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» Resultado: 8 registros

Registro 1 de 8
Autor: Acs, Zoltan-J - Ndikumwami, Adrien
Título: High-Technology Employment Growth in Major U.S. Metropolitan Areas
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.10, n.1. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 47-59
Año: Feb. 1998
Resumen: High technology employment has received little attention in shift-share analysis. The purpose of this paper is to utilize shift-share analysis to analyze high technology employment change in thirty-seven metropolitan areas. We find that shift share analysis is a useful tool to study employment gains and losses in metropolitan areas. Most of the gains and losses in a metropolitan area can be explained by the regions competitiveness component.
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Registro 2 de 8
Autor: Acs, Zoltan-J et-al
Título: The Internationalization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Policy Perspective
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.9, n.1. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 7-20
Año: Feb. 1997
Resumen: Small and medium sized firms play an important role in the process of creative destruction. The focus of the paper is on the international diffusion of small and medium sized firms innovations. Small and medium sized firms face two challenges in globalization: property rights protection and barriers to entry. We suggest that these barriers can frequently be circumvented by using existing multinationals as international conduits for small and medium size firms’ innovations. However, such intermediated modes of expansion are adversely affected by transaction difficulties and intermediator’s rent extraction. We raise two categories of questions: (i) is the private sector systematically making the wrong choice between the direct and intermediated mode of international expansion? and (ii) what should be the policy guidelines to improve the overall rate of international diffusion of innovation by small and medium sized enterprises. Coauthors are Randall Morck, J. Myles Shaver, and Bernard Yeung.
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Registro 3 de 8
Autor: Acs, Zoltan-J - Preston, Lee
Título: Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Technology, and Globalization: Introduction to a Special Issue on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.9, n.1. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 1-6
Año: Feb. 1997
Resumen: This paper is an introduction to the special issue on Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in the Global Economy. The paper gives a broad outline of globalization, the role of technology, and examines the role that small and medium-sized enterprises play in the global economy. We focus on foreign direct investment of small technology based firms and how their innovations diffuse into the global economy.
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Registro 4 de 8
Autor: Acs, Zoltan-J - Gifford, Sharon - 
Título: Innovation of Entrepreneurial Firms
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.8, n.3. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 203-18
Año: June 1996
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Registro 5 de 8
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Acs, Zoltan-J - 
Título: New-Firm Startups, Technology, and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.6, n.6. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 439-49
Año: Dec. 1994
Resumen: New-firm startup activity is examined within a framework pooling a cross-section of 117 industries over six time periods between 1976 and 1986. A model is introduced relating startup activity both to elements of the business cycle, in particular the macroeconomic growth rate, the cost of capital, and the unemployment rate, and to industry-specific characteristics, especially the technological conditions underlying the industry. The pooled cross-section regression results suggest that macroeconomic fluctuations as well as industry-specific elements contribute to startup activity. While new-firm startups respond positively to macroeconomic growth, they are promoted by a low cost of capital and high unemployment rate. A somewhat surprising result is that new-firm startups are not apparently deterred in capital intensive industries and where R&D expenditures play an important role. The empirical results suggest that new firms may be able to overcome their inherent size and experience disadvantages in such markets through exploiting university research and pursuing innovative activity.
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