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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 18 registros

Registro 1 de 18
Autor: Arrow, Kenneth J. - Dasgupta, Partha - Goulder, Lawrence H. - Mumford, Kevin J. - Oleson, Kirsten
Título: Sustainability and the measurement of wealth: further reflections
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.18, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 504-516
Año: Aug. 2013
Resumen: The June 2012 issue of Environment and Development Economics published a symposium with considerable focus on our paper, ’Sustainability and the measurement of wealth’. The Symposium also contained five articles in which other researchers offered valuable comments on our paper. The present note replies to those comments. It clarifies important issues and reveals how important questions relating to sustainability analysis can be fruitfully addressed within our framework. These include questions about the treatment of time, the use of shadow prices and the treatment of transnational externalities. This note also offers new theoretical results that help substantiate our earlier empirical finding that the value of human health is something very different from the value of the consumption permitted by health and survival.
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Registro 2 de 18
Autor: Levin, Simon - Xepapadeas, Tasos - Crépin, Anne-Sophie - Norberg, Jon - de Zeeuw, Aart - Folke, Carl - Hughes, Terry - Arrow, Kenneth - Barrett, Scott - Daily, Gretchen - Ehrlich, Paul - Kautsky, Nils - Mäler, Karl-Göran - Polasky, Steve - Troell, Max - Vincent, Jeffrey R. - Walker, Brian
Título: Social-ecological systems as complex adaptive systems: modeling and policy implications
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.18, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 111-132
Año: Apr. 2013
Resumen: Systems linking people and nature, known as social-ecological systems, are increasingly understood as complex adaptive systems. Essential features of these complex adaptive systems - such as nonlinear feedbacks, strategic interactions, individual and spatial heterogeneity, and varying time scales - pose substantial challenges for modeling. However, ignoring these characteristics can distort our picture of how these systems work, causing policies to be less effective or even counterproductive. In this paper we present recent developments in modeling social-ecological systems, illustrate some of these challenges with examples related to coral reefs and grasslands, and identify the implications for economic and policy analysis.
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Registro 3 de 18
Autor: Dvoskin, Nicolás - 
Título: El ingreso universal de Arrow y Debreu
Fuente: Realidad Económica, n.257. Instituto Argentino para el Desarrollo Económico, IADE
Páginas: pp. 138-158
Año: ene.-feb. 2011
Resumen: Podemos afirmar que el devenir del neoliberalismo generó transformaciones mucho más profundas que las reformas institucionales en favor del libre mercado. Estas fueron acompañadas por cambios en las formas de pensar, de expresarse y de comunicarse. El Ingreso Universal recogió los catastróficos resultados del neoliberalismo en materia de indicadores sociales, mas su fundamentación teórica -por no decir su ideología latente- está muy fuertemente embebida en el pensamiento neoliberal, con lo que no la concebimos como una superación de este último sino, por lo contrario, como una forma de expresión maquillada de sus ideas principales.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 18
Autor: Arrow, Kenneth-J - 
Título: What Has Economics to Say about Racial Discrimination?
Fuente: Journal of Economic Perspectives. v.12, n.2. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 91-100
Año: spring 1998
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 18
Autor: Arrow, Kenneth-J - 
Título: Invaluable Goods
Fuente: Journal of Economic Literature. v.35, n.2. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 757-65
Año: June 1997
Resumen: Margaret Jane Radin’s new book, Contested Commodities, is reviewed. The book’s thesis is that some activities are too close to the intrinsic identity of persons to be proper subjects of the market and that discourse which treats all such activities as commodities can itself create harm. She therefore argues for a concept of "incomplete commodification." The review first locates Radin’s thesis as part of a long tradition. Second, it notes that a state-based or legal determination of which goods are so deeply personal is certainly not clearly superior to self-determination in the context of a market. Third, it argues that the effect of discourse on behavior is not empirically clear and that acting on the view that discourse can threaten deep values can lead to limits on freedom.
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