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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 10 registros

Registro 1 de 10
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Elston, Julie-A
Título: Financing the German Mittelstand
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.9, n.2. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 97-110
Año: Apr. 1997
Resumen: This paper describes how the German Mittelstand, or small- and medium-sized enterprises, are financed in Germany. The role of the German Mittelstand, both in a static and in a dynamic framework, is described and contrasted with that of the same size group in other leading industrialised countries. We find that in general, the Mittelstand has played a more important role in Germany than in other industrialized nations, such as the United States or the United Kingdom. The traditional success of the German Mittelstand is partly attributable to a system of finance that is richly layered by complementary institutions designed to meet the financial needs of both large and smaller enterprises. However, we find evidence that even under the German system of finance liquidity constraints exist and are greater for smaller firms. The German system of finance moreover seems particularly deficient in the channeling of funds to new firm startups in the newer industries.
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Registro 2 de 10
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Vivarelli, Marco - 
Título: Determinants of New-Firm Startups in Italy
Fuente: Empirica. v.23, n.1
Páginas: pp. 91-105
Año: 1996
Resumen: The purpose of this paper is to apply a modified version of the "income choice" model to explain variations in new-firm formation across Italian provinces over the period 1985-1988. Based on a panel data of start-up activity in 78 Italian provinces and using two different data bases, we find support for the overall theory of income choice where individuals choose between earning wages from an incumbent enterprise or else profits from starting a new firm. In particular, the evidence suggests that labor market conditions such as wages and the relative impact of labor dislocation, profits, and environmental factors such as the degree to which entrepreneurial networks already exist, shape the degree to which new firms are started.
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Registro 3 de 10
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Vivarelli, Marco - 
Título: Firms Size and R&D Spillovers: Evidence from Italy
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.8, n.3. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 249-58
Año: June 1996
Resumen: The recent emergence in the industrial organization literature of a wave of studies identifying small firms as more innovative than their larger counterparts poses something of a paradox? Where do small firms get their knowledge generating inputs? The purpose of this paper is to link innovative inputs to innovative outputs. This enables the identification of the extent to which spillovers exist from major sources generating new economic knowledge, such as the research and development (R&D) laboratories of private and public firms, as well as universities, to the innovative activity of large and small enterprises. Based on twenty Italian regions over a period of nine years, the empirical evidence suggests that, while firm R&D expenditures contribute to the generation of innovative output for all firms, as well as for large and small firms, the spillovers from university research are apparently more important for small-firm innovation than for large-firm innovation.
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Registro 4 de 10
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Stephan, Paula-E - 
Título: Company-Scientist Locational Links: The Case of Biotechnology
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.86, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 641-52
Año: June 1996
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Registro 5 de 10
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Feldman, Maryann-P - 
Título: R&D Spillovers and the Geography of Innovation and Production
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.86, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 630-40
Año: June 1996
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