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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 4 registros

Registro 1 de 4
Autor: Heger, Martin Philipp - Zens, Gregor - Bangalore, Mook - 
Título: Land and poverty: the role of soil fertility and vegetation quality in poverty reduction
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 315-333
Año: aug. 2020
Resumen: The debate on the land-poverty nexus is inconclusive, with past research unable to identify the causal dynamics. We use a unique global panel dataset that links survey and census derived poverty data with measures of land ecosystems at the subnational level. Rainfall is used to overcome the endogeneity in the land-poverty relationship in an instrumental variable approach. This is the first global study using quasi-experimental methods to uncover the degree to which land improvements matter for poverty reduction. We draw three main conclusions. First, land improvements are important for poverty reduction in rural areas and particularly so for Sub-Saharan Africa. Second, land improvements are pro-poor: poorer areas see larger poverty alleviation effects due to improvements in land. Finally, irrigation plays a major role in breaking the link between bad weather and negative impacts on the poor through reduced vegetation growth and soil fertility.
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Registro 2 de 4
Autor: Narloch, Ulf - Bangalore, Mook - 
Título: The multifaceted relationship between environmental risks and poverty: new insights from Vietnam
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 298-327
Año: jun. 2018
Resumen: Despite complex interlinkages, insights into the multifaceted relationship between environmental risks and poverty can be gained through an analysis of different risks across space, time and scale within a single context using consistent methods. Combining geo-spatial data on eight environmental risks and household survey data from 2010-2014 for the case study of Vietnam, this paper shows: (i) at the district level, the incidence of poverty is higher in high risk areas, (ii) at the household level, poorer households face higher environmental risks, (iii) for some risks the relationship with household-level consumption varies between rural and urban areas, and (iv) environmental risks explain consumption differences between households, but less so changes over time. While altogether these analyses cannot establish a causal relationship between environmental risks and poverty, they do indicate that Vietnam’s poor are disproportionally exposed. Given growing pressures due to climate change, addressing such risks should be a focus of poverty reduction efforts.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 4
Autor: Winsemius, Hessel C. - Jongman, Brenden - Veldkamp, Ted I.E. - Hallegatte, Stephane - Bangalore, Mook - Ward, Philip J.
Título: Disaster risk, climate change, and poverty: assessing the global exposure of poor people to floods and droughts
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 328-348
Año: jun. 2018
Resumen: People living in poverty are particularly vulnerable to shocks, including those caused by natural disasters such as floods and droughts. This paper analyses household survey data and hydrological riverine flood and drought data for 52 countries to find out whether poor people are disproportionally exposed to floods and droughts, and how this exposure may change in a future climate. We find that poor people are often disproportionally exposed to droughts and floods, particularly in urban areas. This pattern does not change significantly under future climate scenarios, although the absolute number of people potentially exposed to floods or droughts can increase or decrease significantly, depending on the scenario and region. In particular, many countries in Africa show a disproportionally high exposure of poor people to floods and droughts. For these hotspots, implementing risk-sensitive land-use and development policies that protect poor people should be a priority.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 4
Autor: Park, Jisung - Bangalore, Mook - Hallegatte, Stephane - Sandhoefner, Evan
Título: Households and heat stress: estimating the distributional consequences of climate change
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 349-368
Año: jun. 2018
Resumen: Recent research documents the adverse causal impacts on health and productivity of extreme heat, which will worsen with climate change. In this paper, we assess the current distribution of heat exposure within countries, to explore possible distributional consequences of climate change through temperature. Combining survey data from 690,745 households across 52 countries with spatial data on climate, this paper suggests that the welfare impacts of added heat stress may be regressive within countries. We find: (1) a strong negative correlation between household wealth and warmer temperature in many hot countries; (2) a strong positive correlation between household wealth and warmer temperatures in many cold countries; and (3) that poorer individuals are more likely to work in occupations with greater exposure. While our analysis is descriptive rather than causal, our results suggest a larger vulnerability of poor people to heat extremes, and potentially significant distributional and poverty implications of climate change.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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