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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 8 registros

Registro 1 de 8
Autor: Bernanke, Ben-S - Mishkin, Frederic-S - 
Título: Inflation Targeting: A New Framework for Monetary Policy?
Fuente: Journal of Economic Perspectives. v.11, n.2. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 97-116
Año: spring 1997
Resumen: In recent years, a number of industrialized countries have adopted a strategy for monetary policy known as ’inflation targeting.’ The authors describe how this approach has been implemented in practice and argue that it is best understood as a broad framework for policy, which allows the central bank ’constrained discretion,’ rather than as an ironclad policy rule in the Friedman sense. They discuss the potential of the inflation-targeting approach for making monetary policy more coherent and transparent and for increasing monetary policy discipline. The authors’ final section addresses some additional practical issues raised by this approach.
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Registro 2 de 8
Autor: Bernanke, Ben-S - Gertler, Mark - 
Título: Inside the Black Box: The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission
Fuente: Journal of Economic Perspectives. v.9, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 27-48
Año: fall 1995
Resumen: The ’credit channel’ theory of monetary policy transmission holds that informational frictions in credit markets worsen during tight-money periods. The resulting increase in the external finance premium--the difference in cost between internal and external funds--enhances the effects of monetary policy on the real economy. The authors document the responses of GDP and its components to monetary policy shocks and describe how the credit channel helps explain the facts. They discuss two main components of this mechanism, the balance sheet and bank lending channels. The authors argue that forecasting exercises using credit aggregates are not valid tests of this theory.
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Registro 3 de 8
Autor: Bernanke, Ben-S - Blinder, Alan-S - 
Título: The Federal Funds Rate and the Channels of Monetary Transmission
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.82, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 901-21
Año: Sept. 1992
Resumen: The authors show that the interest rate on Federal funds is extremely informative about future movements of real macroeconomic variables. Then they argue that the reason for this forecasting success is that the funds rate sensitively records shocks to the supply of bank reserves; that is, the funds rate is a good indicator of monetary policy actions. Finally, using innovations to the funds rate as a measure of changes in policy, the authors present evidence consistent with the view that monetary policy works at least in part through "credit" (i.e., bank loans) as well as through "money" (i.e., bank deposits).
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Registro 4 de 8
Autor: Bernanke, Ben-S - Blinder, Alan-S - 
Título: Credit, Money, and Aggregate Demand
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.78, n.2. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 435-39
Año: May 1988
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Registro 5 de 8
Autor: Bernanke, Ben-S - 
Título: Employment, Hours, and Earnings in the Depression: An Analysis of EightManufacturing Industries
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.76, n.1. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 82-l09
Año: Mar. 1986
Resumen: This paper employs monthly, industry-level data in a study of Depression-era labor markets. As in Robert Lucas (1970), the model usedhere assumes that employers can vary total labor input not only by changing the number of workers but also by changing the length of thework week. (This assumption seems particularly relevant to the 1930s, aperiod in which work weeks fluctuated sharply.) With aggregate demandtreated as exogenous and in conjunction with additional elements, themodel seems able to provide an empirical explanation of the behavior ofthe key labor market time series, including hours of work and real wages.
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