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» Resultado: 4 registros

Registro 1 de 4
Autor: Lai, Pei-Chun - Bessler, David A. - 
Título: Price discovery between carbonated soft drink manufacturers and retailers: A disaggregate analysis with PC and LiNGAM algorithms
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.18, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 173-198
Año: May 2015
Resumen: This paper considers the use of two machine learning algorithms to identify the causal relationships among retail prices, manufacturer prices, and number of packages sold. The two algorithms are PC and Linear Non-Gaussian Acyclic Models (LiNGAM). The dataset studied comprises scanner data collected from the retail sales of carbonated soft drinks in the Chicago area. The PC algorithm is not able to assign direction among retail price, manufacturer price and quantity sold, whereas the LiNGAM algorithm is able to decide in every case, i.e., retail price leads manufacturer price and quantity sold.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 4
Autor: Zhang, Jin - Bessler, David A. - Leatham, David J.
Título: Aggregate business failures and macroeconomic conditions: A VAR look at the U.S. between 1980 and 2004
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.16, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 179-202
Año: May 2013
Resumen: In this paper, we study the U.S. aggregate business failures during 1980- 2004 in relation to four macroeconomic variables: aggregate corporate profits, the producer price index, the interest rate, and stock market performance. We argue that aggregate business failures should not be treated as a passive variable, as usually done in previous studies, and we allow its possible causal effect on other macroeconomic variables through a Structural Vector Autoregression model that builds on Directed Acyclic Graphs. Granger type causality and innovation accounting results both show that while subject to the influence of interest rates, aggregate business failures are quite exogenous in comparison to the other three variables. The implications of these findings are discussed as well.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 4
Autor: Stockton, Matthew C. - Capps, Oral - Bessler, David A. - 
Título: Samuelson’s full duality and the use of directed acyclical graphs
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.11, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 167-191
Año: May 2008
Resumen: To date, mixed demand systems have been all but ignored in empirical work. A possible reason for the scarcity of such applications is that one needs to know a priori which prices and quantities are endogenous in the mixed demand system. By using a directed acyclical graph (DAG), causal relationships among price and quantity variables are identified giving rise to a causally identified mixed demand system. A statistical comparison is made of the traditional Rotterdam model, a synthetic demand system, which subsumes the traditional Rotterdam model, and a Rotterdam mixed demand system identified through the use of a DAG. In this analysis, the respective demand systems consist of five products: steak, ground beef, beef roasts, pork, and chicken.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 4
Autor: Awokuse, Titus O. - Bessler, David A. - 
Título: Vector autoregressions, policy analysis and directed acyclic graphs: an application to the US economy
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.6, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 1-24
Año: May 2003
Resumen: The paper considers the use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and their construction from observational data with PC-algorithm TETRAD II, in providing over-identifying restrictions on the innovations from a vector autoregression. Results from Sims’ 1986 model of the US economy are replicated and compared using these data-driven techniques. The directed graph results show Sims’ six-variable VAR is not rich enough to provide an unambiguous ordering at usual levels of statistical significance. A significance level in the neighborhood of 30 percent is required to find a clear structural ordering. Although the DAG results are in agreement with Sims’ theory-based model for unemployment, differences are noted for the other five variables: income, money supply, price level, interest rates, and investment. Overall the DAG results are broadly consistent with a monetarist view with adaptive expectations and no hyperinflation.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente

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