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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Zapata, O.
Título: Happiness in the tropics: climate variables and subjective wellbeing
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 250-271
Año: jun. 2022
Resumen: Changes in climatic patterns are expected to have significant effects on health and wellbeing. However, the literature on the effect of climate on subjective wellbeing remains scant and existing studies focus mostly on developed countries or cross-country analyses. This paper aims to identify the relationship between climate conditions on happiness after controlling for individual and social characteristics. Ecuador, a geographically fragmented country with varying climate conditions across municipalities, constitutes an ideal case study to assess the effect of climate variables on happiness. We employ a cross-section analysis to identify the effect of temperature, precipitation and humidity on happiness. The paper shows that climate conditions constitute an important determinant of people’s subjective wellbeing. The results also suggest that income and education attenuate the effect of temperature on happiness and that substantial differences are observed depending on whether places are hot/humid or cold/dry.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Qasim, M. - Grimes, A.
Título: Sustainability and wellbeing: the dynamic relationship between subjective wellbeing and sustainability indicators
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 1-19
Año: feb. 2022
Resumen: We analyse the relationship between individuals’ subjective wellbeing (SWB) and measures of their country’s sustainability. SWB data are sourced from the World Values Survey; sustainability is measured by ecological footprint (EF) and by components of the World Bank’s adjusted net savings (ANS) series. ANS, a measure of weak sustainability, represents changes in a country’s capital stock including financial, physical, human and natural capital. We show that an increase in strong sustainability, measured by EF and by ANS’s natural capital component, is associated with reductions in SWB over the next decade followed by a rebound in SWB over the subsequent decade. We show also that the perfect substitutability assumptions on which ANS is calculated do not hold. Our findings highlight an important political challenge: governments that run sustainable policies may decrease the near-term wellbeing of citizens. This can reduce government’s short-term popularity even though the improved sustainability may raise future wellbeing.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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