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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 3 registros

Registro 1 de 3
Autor: Blejer, Mario I.
Título: Central Banks and price stability: is a single objective enough?
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.1, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 105-122
Año: Nov. 1998
Resumen: Current developments in monetary theory, coupled with the recent practical experience of many and diverse central banks, suggest a number of basic tenets that could be regarded as effective guideposts in the search for successful practices that could contribute to attain and to sustain macroeconomic stabilization. While common sense, the myriad of accompanying circumstances within which policies and institutions develop, tend to confound their significance and to blur their basic meaning and implications. The purpose of this paper is to review and revisit, in the light of prevailing experience, the state of the art regarding monetary and central banking policies and analyze, by outlining these experiences in the form of seven basic principles, their significance for the achievement and the maintenance of macroeconomic stabilization. While each of these principles can be reviewed independently, they are, of course closely linked. The paper first scrutinizes the manner in which the literature has dealt with these issues and, in light of recent experiences, attempts to integrate them into an unified framework and to draw a number of policy lessons and theoretical implications.
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Registro 2 de 3
Autor: Blejer, Mario I - Castillo, Graciana del - 
Título: Deja Vu all over again : the mexican crisis and the stabilization of Uruguay in the 1970s
Fuente: Documento de Trabajo UDESA-DE, n.13. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía
Año: ago. 1996
Palabras clave: RECESION ECONOMICA |
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA D + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 3
Autor: Blejer, Mario I - Castillo, Graciana del - 
Título: Deja Vu all over again : the mexican crisis and the stabilization of Uruguay in the 1970s
Fuente: Documento de Trabajo UDESA-DE, n.13. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía
Páginas: 16 p.
Año: ago. 1996
Palabras clave: RECESION ECONOMICA |
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA D + datos de Fuente

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