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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Carter, C.A. - Gunning-Trant, C.
Título: China’s food exports face dumping laws
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.88, n.5. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 1227-1234
Año: 2006
Resumen: China is the world’s largest producer of labor-intensive horticultural products and it has expanded its exports of these products. However, importers such as the United States have responded to China’s exports with non-tariff import barriers primarily in the form of anti-dumping tariffs. Generally, these antidumping orders sharply disrupt imports from China for three to four years, after which China is back in the game. US administrative reviews of dumping orders, one year or more after the initial order, typically result in lower tariffs for some exporters and trade flows and restored accordingly.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Berwald, D. - Carter, C.A. - Gruère, G.P.
Título: Rejecting new technology: The case of genetically modified wheat
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.88, n.2. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 432-447
Año: 2006
Resumen: Canada has stringent regulations covering the release of new wheat varieties, but the United States has virtually no regulations in this area. Monsanto Co. developed genetically modified (GM) spring wheat for North America, and made a commitment to the U.S. industry to release this new technology simultaneously in both Canada and the United States, or not at all. The Canadian regulatory bias against new varieties acted as a veto against GM wheat and caused Monsanto to shelve the technology in both countries in 2004. Substantial economic rents were foregone in North America due to the rejection of this new technology.
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