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» Resultado: 98 registros

Registro 1 de 98
Autor: Murguía, Diego
Título: Las refinerías y el negocio del oro en perspectiva: modelos internacionales, propuestas y tendencias en la Argentina
Fuente: Realidad Económica, n.295. Instituto Argentino para el Desarrollo Económico, IADE
Páginas: pp. 106-131
Año: oct.-nov. 2015
Resumen: El manejo del oro primario (de mina) y secundario (reciclado) en la Argentina se encuentra mayoritariamente regido por un modelo neoextractivista cuya lógica consiste en la exportación del oro crudo como commodity a refinerías en el extranjero y en muy bajas tasas de reciclado. Así el Estado nacional y los gobiernos provinciales se benefician económicamente a corto plazo de la extracción minera pero no se promueve una política de minerales de desarrollo a largo plazo que se centre en avanzar en la cadena de valor y en una recuperación del oro de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos reposicionando al país en la división internacional del trabajo. En este artículo se analizan tres tipologías de refinerías (convencionales-privadas o mixtas, estatales y orientadas al reciclaje) con el fin de poner en perspectiva el manejo del oro actual y propuestas anteriores en la Argentina. Mediante el análisis se discuten las ventajas, desventajas y obstáculos para la construcción de una refinería aurífera certificada en la Argentina. Se concluye que si bien es posible avanzar hacia ello, con aportes de oro crudo desde las provincias y de países vecinos, las tendencias del actual modelo neoextractivista lo vuelven poco probable. A su vez, y debido al alto costo de inversión inicial, la opción de una refinería certificada con módulos orientados al reciclaje, aparece como deseable pero aún menos probable.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 98
Autor: Higashida, Keisaku - Managi, Shunsuke - 
Título: Determinants of trade in recyclable wastes: evidence from commodity-based trade of waste and scrap
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.19, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 250-270
Año: Apr. 2014
Resumen: This paper examines factors that affect the trade of recyclable waste in both exporting and importing countries. To this end, we employ two important elements: first, we adopt a gravity model in our empirical methodology; second, we select five waste and scrap commodities and undertake estimations using commodity-level trade data. We demonstrate that, the higher the wage/per capita GDP/population of an importing country, the more recyclable wastes it imports. This result suggests that the demand for final goods and, accordingly, the demand for materials including recycled material, have strong effects on the import volume of recyclable waste. Moreover, this implies that the imports of a developing country from developed countries increase with expanding industrial activity and economic growth. We find no evidence for a pollution haven for wastes and recycling.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 98
Autor: Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen - Xu, Jia
Título: The S-curve dynamics of U.S.-Mexico commodity trade
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.16, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 33-48
Año: May 2013
Resumen: In testing the short-run effects of currency depreciation on the trade balance, rather than engaging in regression analysis, part of the literature basically looks at the correlation coefficients between past and future values of the trade balance and the current exchange rate. It is postulated that these coefficients are positive between future values of the trade balance and current exchange rate, but negative between past values of the trade balance and the current exchange rate, hence the S-Curve pattern. Previous research has shown that the curve is not supported for Mexico when aggregate trade data are used. In this paper we used bilateral trade data between Mexico and her main partner, the United States to test the curve. Still there was no support for the curve. However, when we disaggregated bilateral trade flows by industry and considered the trade balances of 223 industries that trade between the two countries, we were able to support the S-Curve in 90 industries.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 98
Autor: Hall, Luis J. - 
Título: A mathematical study of the Sraffa model
Fuente: Ciencias Económicas. v.30, n.2. Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas
Páginas: pp. 77-88
Año: jul.-dic. 2012
Resumen: This paper has two primary objects. On the one hand, it presents a rigorous derivation of the Sraffa model recurring to some theorems discovered by Frobenius and Perron at the beginning of the twentieth century. This presentation is used to study the concept of productive economies or surplus economies, the solution to the price system and also to provide a clear derivation of the concept of the Standard Commodity. The second goal of the paper is to sketch von Neumann’s balanced growth model and show how Sraffa’s model is related to Neumann`s model. Showing the role of the assumptions, one can establish the relationship between both models, particularly the role of irreducibility to obtain uniqueness and unify the study of both models.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA C + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 98
Autor: Shaik, Saleem - Mishra, Ashok K. - Atwood, Joseph
Título: Aggregation issues in the estimation of linear programming productivity measures
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.15, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 169-187
Año: May 2012
Resumen: This paper demonstrates the sensitivity of the linear programming approach in the estimation of productivity measures in the primal framework. Specifically, the sensitivity to the number of constraints (level of dis-aggregation) and imposition of returns to scale constraints is evaluated. Further, the shadow or dual values are recovered from the linear program and compared to the market prices used in the ideal Fisher index approach. Empirical application to U.S. state-level time series data from 1960-2004 reveal productivity change decreases with increases in the number of constraints. Divergence in productivity measures is observed due to the choice of method imposed, various levels of commodity/input aggregation, and technology assumptions. Due to the piecewise linear approximation of the nonparametric programming approach, the shadow share-weights are skewed leading to the difference in the productivity measures due to aggregation.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente

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