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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Garcia Garcia, Clara Eugenia
Título: El proceso de innovación en la empresa. Competencias y aprendizaje organizativos en la producción de conocimiento para la innovación
Fuente: Economía Industrial, n.301. España. Ministerio de Industria y Energía
Páginas: pp. 27-36
Año: 1995
Resumen: In this paper we examine the usefulness of the complex of ideas about the determinants of technological progress and innovation within economic organizations that have come connected with the organizational competence concept and the emergence of a new mode of knowledge production. This focus on knowledge and organizational competencies is extended to the issue of learning and its nature: how different forms of knowledge are generated and modified and possibly also lost.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Cobbenhagen, Jan - den Hertog, Friso
Título: Tomando la iniciativa: Lecciones de empresas innovadoras con éxito en los Paises Bajos
Fuente: Economía Industrial, n.301. España. Ministerio de Industria y Energía
Páginas: pp. 141-151
Año: 1995
Resumen: This paper presents the findings of a comparative analysis of factors that determine the success of innovation. It is shown that innovative success is based on a combination of technological, marketing and organisational competencies. Sixty-two Dutch firms in a wide range of industries and service sectors are contrasted on these three sets of competencies. The results provide industry-idiosyncratic insights which can strengthen the innovation policies within organisations and can be regarded as being empirically derived building blocks of a favourable policy towards innovation.
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