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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: van der Borg, Jan - Costa, Paolo - Gotti, Giuseppe
Título: Tourism in European heritage cities
Fuente: Annals of Tourism Research. v.23, n.2. Pergamon
Páginas: pp. 306-321
Año: 1996
Resumen: Heritage cities attract many visitors, generating benefits and costs. When the costs exceed the benefits, tourism development is no longer sustainable, and interventions become necessary. In order to develop guidelines to help heritage cities manage their tourism more adequately, the tourism market and policy of seven art cities were analyzed: Aix-en-Provence, Amsterdam, Bruges, Florence, Oxford, Salzburg and Venice. It was shown that tourism is menacing not only the vitality of their local economies, but also the integrity of their heritage and the quality of life of their residents. Measures to control and guide visitor flows are urgently needed. In reality, tourism management in the heritage cities does not go much further than promotion.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Manente, Maria - Minghetti, V - Costa, Paolo - 
Título: Tourism demand segmentation and consumption behaviour: An economic analysis
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.51, n.3. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 53-62
Año: 1996
Resumen: The purpose of this article is to describe the characteristics and the consumption behaviour of tourists coming from different countries and choosing different holiday typologies (cultural, seaside, mountains, etc.), by evaluating their expenditure in terms of consumption functions and productive sectors. The analysis - which uses the results of the survey on tourist expenditure carried out in the Veneto region, with particular reference to international tourism, from May 1994 to April 1995 -, can be suitably extended over the local scale. A multisectoral-biregional input output model (VERDITOUR) has been implemented to measure the economic role of each segment and the plot of interactions going from tourist expenditure habits to the tourism industry.
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