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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: De Groote, Patrick - 
Título: Economic & Tourism Aspects of the Olympic Games
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.60, n.3. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 20-28
Año: 2005
Resumen: In this article the development of the Olympic Games (the biggest mega sport event ever) will be described as an interesting case in the sport-tourism relationship. The Olympics are indeed the biggest show on earth. the most participants in history,. spectators on site and the greatest television audience ever. This marriage of convenience between sport and tourism will be explored and examplified, first in general and second by means of on historical overview (of the Summer and Winter Games) and the economic impact of the Olympic Games.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: De Groote, Patrick - 
Título: A multidisciplinary analysis of world fairs (= expos) and their effects
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.60, n.1. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 12-19
Año: 2005
Resumen: Since the Great Exhibition of London (1851) approx. 75 Expos have been held worldwide. They are regulated by the BIE in Paris. An Expo is a show case of technological progress, represented in pavilions. Until 1873 a unique building hosted the exhibits. Later the Exposites were located extramuros, and sometimes afterwards redeveloped into a leisure or science park or a multifunctional urbanised area. Mostly Expos have a positive effect for the city and the region on income, employment and infrastructure. The impact on culture, science, technology and tourism is also very important. However, Expos can generate an increase in prices, overcrowding and even environmental damage. Several Expos were even a financial disaster! The post-event depression was certainly the case for many Expos. Expos still bear witness to their era and that they have tried to maintain the harmony and peace between people. Still they have opportunities for communication, investments, development, trade and tourism. The case study focus on the successsfull Expo 1992 in Seville.
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