MegaCatálogo Bibliográfico
Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Eales, James - Durham, Catherine - Wessells, Cathy-R - 
Título: Generalized Models of Japanese Demand for Fish
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.79, n.4. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 1153-63
Año: Nov. 1997
Resumen: Given a relative lack of knowledge about Japanese consumer preferences for fish, Japanese fish demand is modeled using both Marshallian (ordinary) and inverse demand systems, each of which nests a number of competing specifications. Results indicate that the inverse demand systems dominate the ordinary demand systems in forecasting performance and in nonnested tests. The inverse system suggests that Japanese fish prices are less responsive to changes in consumption than found in previous studies.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Eales, James - 
Título: A Further Look at Flexibilities and Elasticities: Comment
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.78, n.4. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 1125-29
Año: Nov. 1996
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