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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Ebert, Udo - Welsch, Heinz - 
Título: Environmental Emissions and Production Economics: Implications of the Materials Balance
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.89, n.2. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 287-293
Año: 2007
Resumen: In modeling emissions, the literature has usually specified an explicit emission function, or treated emissions as a production input. We examine the validity of these approaches, taking into account the materials balance principle. We show that a technology can equivalently be described by (i) a production function with material and nonmaterial inputs and bounded marginal product of the material input, (ii) a well-behaved production function with emissions as an input, and (iii) a well-behaved emission function, if the materials balance is accounted for as an additional condition. We offer a forma derivation of common, but not rigorously established modeling approaches.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Ebert, Udo - 
Título: Evaluation of Nonmarket Goods: Recovering Unconditional Preferences
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.80, n.2. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 241-54
Año: May 1998
Resumen: A new approach is proposed for the evaluation of nonmarket goods, starting from a complete or incomplete (conditional) demand system for market goods which is observable and depends on nonmarket goods. This information is not sufficient to recover the underlying preference ordering of the representative consumer. The central idea is to employ additional marginal willingness to pay functions for the nonmarket goods. Since they can be estimated either together with the demand system or in a separate step they are less arbitrary than the assumptions or hypotheses usually made. If the entire system is (weakly) integrable the underlying ordering and appropriate welfare measures can be derived. In this article, the author investigate the relationship between conditional and unconditional demand systems, present sufficient conditions for (weak) integrability, and demonstrate the practicability of the procedure proposed by means of three examples.
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