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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 5 registros

Registro 1 de 5
Autor: Fagence, Michael - 
Título: An uncertain future for tourism in microstates; the case of Nauru
Fuente: Tourism Management. v.18, n.6
Páginas: pp. 385-392
Año: Sept. 1997
Resumen: The small Pacific microstate of Nauru faces an uncertain future as the phosphate deposits on which it has depended for its wealth for most of the twentieth century become exhausted. Recent global conferences on sustainable development have encouraged small island states faced with the impending loss of their principal economic support to consider tourism as a feasible development option. This paper reviews the capacity of Nauru to engage seriously in the option of tourism development.
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Registro 2 de 5
Autor: Pearce, Philip L. - Fagence, Michael - 
Título: The Legacy of Kevin Lynch : Research implications
Fuente: Annals of Tourism Research. v.23, n.3. Pergamon
Páginas: pp. 576-598
Año: July 1996
Resumen: Tourism studies can benefit from the addition of new conceptual approaches from influential multidisciplinary scholars. The work of Kevin Lynch, a planner and designer, represents one such tradition of scholarship. His work is reviewed and his influence on two major areas of inquiry -- environmental psychology and general planning -- is outlined. Lynch’s actual and potential contribution to tourism studies is seen to be both methodological (such as the use of cognitive maps, ideagrams, and user perspectives) and conceptual, including an emphasis on regional distinctiveness, human scale evaluation, the meaning of place and time, and the sensory qualities of well-designed environments.
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Registro 3 de 5
Autor: Fagence, Michael - 
Título: Regional Tourism Cooperation
Fuente: Annals of Tourism Research. v.23, n.3. Pergamon
Páginas: pp. 717-720
Año: July 1996
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Registro 4 de 5
Autor: Craig-Smith, S. J. - Fagence, Michael - 
Título: Tourism training needs in the Asia Pacific region
Fuente: Annals of Tourism Research. v.22, n.3. Pergamon
Páginas: pp. 703-704
Año: 1995
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Registro 5 de 5
Autor: Fagence, Michael - Craig-Smith, Stephen
Título: Foreign investment and technical cooperation needs in the Pacific region
Fuente: Annals of Tourism Research. v.21, n.4. Pergamon
Páginas: pp. 858-860
Año: 1994
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