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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Georgescu, Vasile - 
Título: Multivariate fuzzy-termed data analysis: issues and methods
Fuente: Fuzzy Economic Review. v.6, n.1. International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy
Páginas: pp. 19-47
Año: May 2001
Resumen: Abstracting the signification from an amorphous conglomerate of data requires appropriate techniques for making patent some latent cognitive structures. This paper is devoted to the challenging case when fuzzy-termed data occur in a survey. The fuzzy paradigm is inherently assumed, but the representation formalism related to it induces a higher complexity in the semantic structure of the universe of discourse we have to deal with. In order to disclose the cognitive structures underlying fuzzy information systems, we are led to explore suitable metric concepts equipping the space of fuzzy-valued variables and the space of fuzzy-described individuals, respectively. This is crucial for laying the foundations of multivariate fuzzy-termed data analysis. Some natural algorithmic consequences following from the conceptual and formal generalizations mentioned above are explored in turn, namely the principal component analysis, the automatic classification and the methods of inducing graphical models, which are all extended to allow the processing of fuzzy-termed data.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA F + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Georgescu, Vasile - 
Título: FCHAID : a fuzzy tree inducer adapting a fuzzified version of chi-square splitting criterion to chaid-like techniques
En: Congress of International Society for Fuzzy Management and Economy : Dealing whith uncertainty in the New Enterprise Challenge, 6. Morelia, 15-17 noviembre 1999
Institución patroc.: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo; Facultad de Contabilidad y Administración
Ciudad y Editorial: Morelia : SIEGF
ISBN: 970-9056-39-5
Páginas: pp. 27-38
Año: 1999
Solicitar por: CONGRESOS 00072

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