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» Resultado: 8 registros

Registro 1 de 8
Autor: Gil Aluja, Jaime - 
Título: La pretopología en la gestión de la incertidumbre : discurso de investidura de Doctor Honoris Causa
Ciudad y Editorial: León : Universidad de León
ISBN: 87-7719-570-6
Páginas: 78 p.
Año: 2002
Notas: Laudatio pronunciado por Enrique López González
Solicitar por: EXACTA 39819
Registro 2 de 8
Autor: Gil Aluja, Jaime - 
Título: Génesis de una teoría de la incertidumbre : acto de imposición de la Gran Cruz de la Orden Civil de Alfonso X el Sabio
Ciudad y Editorial: Barcelona : Universitat de Barcelona
Páginas: 54 p.
Año: 2000
Solicitar por: EXACTA 39820
Registro 3 de 8
Autor: Gil Aluja, Jaime - 
Título: Model for assembling products by means of clans
Fuente: Fuzzy Economic Review. v.2, n.2. International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy
Páginas: pp. 3-19
Año: Nov. 1997
Resumen: The problem of assembling products, raw materials and semi-finished products has several nuances according to the field in which the products are placed and the aim of the aggregation process. Assembling financial products in a homogeneous way, assembling investments, assembling products to be marketed: these are some current examples in the complex network of today’s economic and financial systems. The homogeneity of the products, raw materials and semi-finished products is normally based on those characteristics required from them. Hence the increasing importance of the way in which the characteristics are assigned to the products. In the model we put forward, a fuzzy sub-set is determined for each material. Its referential is given by the set of characteristics or properties. The proper analysis of these fuzzy sub-sets must enable us to determine the adequacy of each materials or group of materials to the goal we wish to obtain. Several patterns have been put forward with the aim of solving this question. In our view, however, any of them is suitable to obtain results in a context with a high degree of uncertainty, such as the one in which we are nowadays. The theory of the clans is the mainstay of the model we develop. In the near past, this theory was very useful for the informative treatment of files. After establishing a fuzzy relationship which links the products, raw materials and semi-finished products and their qualities and with the help of a threshold vector which measures the relative importance of each characteristic, a Boolean matrix is obtained. This matrix will be the basis of the later development of the model. In the model, the clan is engendered starting from the notion of "family", which becomes the source element. The clan enables an in-depth analysis of the materials, since it provides a differentiation group by group (the sub-sets making up the group) according to the characteristics or properties that one material and/or the other have, the characteristics are present in the members of the group. Thus, it is possible not only to know the products, raw materials and semi-finished products one must have recourse to, when it is necessary to cover some characteristics, but, in addition, it is also possible to know the number of materials in the group having that particular characteristic.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA F + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 8
Autor: Gil Aluja, Jaime - 
Título: Towards a new concept of economic research
Fuente: Fuzzy Economic Review, n.0. International Association for Fuzzy-Set Management and Economy
Páginas: pp. 5-23
Año: Nov. 1995
Resumen: The problems which today’s institutions and businesses are currently facing have some characteristics which make them different from those that have been studied and treated by means of those models which have traditionally been used. The continuous changes being produced in social, financial and management systems have meant that the world of our time seems to be in an apparent context of uncertainty. In order to take the necessary decisions, members of the government and businessmen need to have access to a framework of action in which there are defined rules or, failing these, more or less broad avenues along which they can go without the fear of assuming uncontrolled risks. In the intention of giving an answer to the profound challenge of these new realities, scientists of several generations have initiated a search for new roads to the Knowledge. A few researchers at first, subsequently a more numerous group, have put their efforts into the treatment of the complex network of the relations which exist in financial and management systems. For this purpose they have used the discoveries emerging from multivalent logic, the principal exponent of which is the fuzzy sets theory, with their many variants. The work has not been easy as it has required the breaking up of several principles, Methods and schemes which until recently were considered immovable. But the strength of the facts has been such that the scientific community is accepting the new rules more and more. In consequence, the moment seems to have arrived for the blooming of a new paradigm in decision theory.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA F + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 8
Autor: Kaufmann, Arnold - Gil Aluja, Jaime - 
Título: Grafos neuronales para la economía y la gestión de empresas
Ciudad y Editorial: Madrid : Pirámide
ISBN: 84-368-0917-3
Páginas: 549 p.
Año: c1995
Contenido: * Prefacio.
* Consideraciones preliminares.
* 1. Introducción a la topología combinatoria mediante la teoría de grafos.
* 2. Actividades en un grafo. Primeros pasos hacia la neuromimetica.
* 3. Diversas hipótesis sobre el funcionamiento de una red de neuronas artificiales.
* 4. Transición de un funcionamiento estático a un funcionamiento dinámico.
* 5. Funcionamiento de diversas redes de neuronas artificiales.
* 6. Estudio de diversos modelos aplicados.
* 7. Aspectos relativos a las funciones selectivas en los grafos neuronales.
* Consideraciones finales.
* Bibliografía.
Solicitar por: EXACTA 39814

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