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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 4 registros

Registro 1 de 4
Autor: Go, Frank M.
Título: El turismo en el contexto de la globalización
Fuente: Papers de Turisme, n.23. Generalitat Valenciana
Páginas: pp. 6-47
Año: 1998
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Registro 2 de 4
Autor: Jansen-Verbeke, Myriam - Go, Frank - 
Título: Tourism development in Vietnam
Fuente: Tourism Management. v.16, n.4
Páginas: pp. 315-321
Año: June 1995
Resumen: The recent decision by the United States to lift the 20-year-old trade embargo is a great boost to Vietnam’s economic development in general and to its tourism in particular. The emergence of mass tourism in the 1960s bypassed Vietnam, and its neighbors Laos and Cambodia, because of war and political and economic constraints. Vietnam is therefore not ready for a large influx of tourists. Specifically, it lacks a suitable infrastructure, accommodation facilities, an appropriate tourism organization and skilled staff. Vietnam’s new economic policy of ’openness’ (doi moi) will facilitate tourism development. This report examines Vietnam’s tourism resources, market potential, and the need for government to assume the broad responsibility and policies that should optimize economic benefits whilst preserving the country’s social, cultural and ecological features.
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Registro 3 de 4
Autor: Mak, Barry - Go, Frank - 
Título: Matching global competition : Cooperation among Asian airlines
Fuente: Tourism Management. v.16, n.1
Páginas: pp. 61-65
Año: Feb. 1995
Resumen: The sluggish airline industry in America and Europe has pushed major international carriers to offer bargain fares and concessions in order to survive. Though Asian airlines are performing well and are profitable, the global competition has increased pressures considerably and led to reforms in the regional market. After reviewing the drivers that are causing change and affecting airline performance, the discussions shifts to the emerging strategic alliances between carriers. The introduction of frequent-flyer programmes in Asia serves as an illustration of how regional airlines are attempting to cope with the challenge of global competition.
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Registro 4 de 4
Autor: Go, Frank - 
Título: The international hospitality industry: Organizational and operational issues : Peter Jones and Abraham Pizam (eds) Wiley New York (1993) 243 pp
Fuente: Tourism Management. v.15, n.3
Páginas: pp. 238-239
Año: June 1994
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