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» Resultado: 134 registros

Registro 1 de 134
Autor: Fraser, J.
Título: Worth its weight in gold: is the extractive industries transparency initiative a credible signalling mechanism to investors?
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 436-450
Año: oct. 2022
Resumen: This paper seeks to understand the link between resource governance and investor expectations in resource-rich countries. We test whether voluntary membership in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), a public-private partnership that promotes transparency and accountability in the extractives sector, behaves as a credible signalling mechanism to investors that governments in resource-rich countries can manage resource revenue and adhere to sustainable fiscal policies in the medium and long run. Using an interrupted time series analysis coupled with a fixed effects model, we examine whether investor expectations on the price of sovereign debt behave as a credible signalling mechanism in the presence of certain conditions. Results indicate that in some cases there is a significant change in spread on the default price of sovereign debt as a result of announcement of either EITI candidacy or EITI compliance. However, it is clear that EITI membership alone is not a sufficient signal to investors that a country can effectively manage its resource revenues in the long run because the result of EITI implementation is heavily influenced by country-specific conditions.
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Registro 2 de 134
Autor: Qiu, F. - Tong, Q. - Zhang, J.
Título: Investigating the role of spatial spillovers as determinants of land conversion in urbanizing Canada
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 357-373
Año: aug. 2022
Resumen: Although the impacts of income, population growth, and other important determinants of land-use change have been widely studied, there is less understanding of how spatial spillovers matter. Utilizing a spatial econometric approach, we investigate the main determinants of natural landscape conversion, focusing on quantifying local and global spatial spillovers. The empirical investigation applies to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region and the Calgary Regional Partnership in Canada. Key results include: (1) determinants of land conversion have significant spillover effects; (2) income, population density, road density, natural land endowment and land suitability for agriculture are all found to have influences on natural land conversion both in the own and neighboring areas; and (3) local (i.e., within the immediate neighboring areas) and global (in the entire study region) spillovers are different in strength and direction. Our work provides useful information for understanding the spillover issues in land conservation, resource governance, and optimal conservation design.
Palabras clave: USO DE LA TIERRA |
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Registro 3 de 134
Autor: Tian, Z. - Tian, Y.
Título: Political incentives, Party Congress, and pollution cycle: empirical evidence from China
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.26, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 188-204
Año: apr. 2021
Resumen: The political incentives of local officials affect their preferences for policy options. This study examines the impact of the convening cycle of Provincial Communist Party Congresses (PCPCs) in China on pollution emission intensity. Based on the data of 281 cities and city officials from 2003 to 2014, the present study finds strong evidence of a political pollution cycle manifesting as significant increases in pollution emission intensity before PCPCs followed by visible decreases after PCPCs. PCPCs provide city officials with strong political incentives to pursue short-Term economic performance before congresses, which leads to a surge in pollution emission intensity. The difference in pollution emission intensity before and after the PCPCs reveals the existence of such political incentives. The findings suggest that a significant relationship exists between the political incentives of city officials and environmental pollution. Therefore, the effective governance of environmental pollution must involve changing the incentive structure of city officials.
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Registro 4 de 134
Autor: Garralda, Joaquín.
Título: ¿Puede ser el gobierno corporativo un criterio de exclusión para el inversor ISR?
Fuente: Boletín de Estudios Económicos. v.73, n.224. Universidad Comercial de Deusto. Asociación de Licenciados
Páginas: pp. 297-327
Año: ago. 2018
Resumen: La ISR está experimentando un fuerte crecimiento en esto últimos años que está haciendo reconsiderara muchos gestores de inversión los criterios que emplean para determinar sus decisiones de inversión y desinversión. Las estrategias básicas de las carteras de ISR son, por un lado, las de exclusión que ciertas empresas por su actividad empresarial o por su comportamiento contrario a ciertas normas; y, por otro, las de selección positiva para invertir en ciertos sectores -que van a ayudar a enfrentarse a los retos sociales y ambientales futuros- o en ciertas empresas que alcanzan las mejores valoraciones de su sector en aspectos de ESG (por Environment, Social and Governance; que en español se traduce por: ASG). La ISR ha ido evolucionando desde un enfoque inicial sencillo, basado principalmente en criterio de exclusión de algunos sectores "perniciosos o maliciosos" o de alguna empresa considerada no ética, a una ISR más madura, en la que se tiene en cuenta el "business case" de la ISR y se considera como un criterio relevante de selección la respuesta de las compañías ante las "controversias" que puedan surgir en temas de ESG. Dado que las inversiones ISR que utilizan estrategias de exclusión son las de mayor volumen, en este artículo se trata de analizar si algunos aspectos de Buen Gobierno, que pueden ser origen de controversias, sirven de criterio de exclusión o únicamente de valoración. Para ello se utilizarás dos controversias muy comunes: la diversidad de género en el Consejo de la Administración y la retribución de los líderes de la empresa, con el fin de determinar si pueden convertirse en un criterio de exclusión para algún tipo de inversor de ISR. Y en consecuencia, si estas controversias tienen un impacto relevante en las políticas de las compañías. Se finalizara con unas reflexiones sobre la inclusión de los criterios ESG en los análisis y decisiones de los inversores institucionales
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Registro 5 de 134
Autor: Kemal, Mohammad - Lange, Ian
Título: Changes in institutional design and extraction path
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 478-494
Año: aug. 2018
Resumen: The impact of oil governance on the extraction path of non-renewable resources is theoretically ambiguous. By employing field-level data in the South East Asia region, we utilize a change in the institutional design of oil governance in Indonesia to determine its impact on oil and gas extraction paths. From the empirical results, we infer that the move to create a separate regulatory agency and make the national oil company a purely business entity led to a reduction in the extraction path of oil, the size of which varies for different sizes of resource stock. This finding reiterates the importance of strengthening ownership rights for non-renewable resources to avoid over-extraction and facilitate more sustainable economic outcomes.
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