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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Meginnis, K. - Hanley, N. - Mujumbusi, L. - Pickering, L. - Lamberton, P.H.L.
Título: Using choice modelling to identify popular and affordable alternative interventions for schistosomiasis in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 578-600
Año: dec. 2022
Resumen: Schistosomiasis is caused by a vector-borne parasite, commonly found in low-and middle-income countries. People become infected by direct contact with contaminated water through activities such as collecting water, bathing and fishing. Water becomes contaminated when human waste is not adequately contained. We administered a discrete choice experiment to understand community preferences for interventions that would reduce individuals’ risk of contracting, or transmitting, Schistosoma mansoni. These focused on water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions. We compared interventions that target behaviours that mainly put oneself at higher risk versus behaviours that mainly put others at risk. We used two payment vehicles to quantify what individuals are willing to give up in time and/or labour for interventions to be implemented. Key findings indicate that new sources of potable water and fines on open defecation are the highest valued interventions.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Colombo, S. - Calatrava-Requena, J. - Hanley, N. - 
Título: Testing choice experiment for benefit transfer with preference heterogeneity
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.89, n.1. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 135-151
Año: 2007
Resumen: Benefit transfer is a cost-effective method for estimating the value of environmental goods that relies on information obtained in previous studies. The multiattribute approach of choice experiments should provide advantages in terms of benefit transfer, allowing differences in environmental improvements between sites as well as differences in socioeconomic and attitude characteristics between respondent populations. This article investigates the capability of choice experiment method to be used in environmental benefit transfer when a random parameters approach is used to allow for preference heterogeneity: We find that the inclusion of respondents’ taste heterogeneity reduces the magnitude of the transfer error.
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