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» Resultado: 9 registros

Registro 1 de 9
Autor: Henderson, Jason - 
Título: Will the rural economy rebound in 2010?
Fuente: Economic Review. v.95, n.1. US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Páginas: pp. 95-119
Año: 2010
Resumen: As the U.S. economy emerges from recession, prospects for a rural rebound in 2010 are also rising. After months of sharp contraction, the nation’s GDP rose solidly in the second half of 2009. Rural job losses also slowed as the year progressed, and commodity prices rebounded, spurring some optimism that farm profits could soon stabilize.
The nation’s economic gains, however, have lacked the strength to spur robust job gains or bolster incomes, raising the specter of another jobless recovery. As the recoveries following the 1990-91 and 2001 recessions struggled to create jobs, rural areas enjoyed stronger job growth than their metro counterparts. This time around, rural economies have kept pace with their metro peers. But the question remains: Can rural economies rebound more quickly in the year ahead?
Henderson reviews the state of the rural economy heading into 2010. He describes how falling demand brought an end to the farm boom in 2009. Next, he examines the impacts of the recession and financial crisis on rural Main Street activity. Finally, he explores how the rural economy in 2010 may be shaped by the national recovery--and how stronger global economies and a weak dollar could offer new export opportunities in the year ahead.
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Registro 2 de 9
Autor: Henderson, Jason - Akers, Maria - 
Título: Recession catches rural America
Fuente: Economic Review. v.94, n.1. US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Páginas: pp. 65-87
Año: 2009
Resumen: As the recession intensified in 2008, rural economies held firm. Through the first half of the year, strong commodity prices supported robust farm incomes and contributed to relatively stronger gains on Main Street. Moreover, the housing correction was less intense than in urban areas, and the financial crisis was less severe than on Wall Street.
While these factors shielded the rural economy from the worst of the recession, rural America was not immune. The foundations of rural economic strength in 2008--high commodity prices, robust export activity, and rising ethanol demand--were crumbling. Consequently, the booming farm economy began to slow, and, following national trends, the nonfarm economy continued to falter.
Henderson and Akers review the state of the rural economy and explore how the recession could affect the rural economy in 2009. They suggest that a rural rebound will rest on whether the fiscal and monetary stimulus packages spark demand for rural goods and services.
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Registro 3 de 9
Autor: Henderson, Jason - Akers, Maria - 
Título: Coming home to rural America: demographic shifts in the tenth district
Fuente: Economic Review. v.94, n.3. US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Páginas: pp. 99-124
Año: 2009
Resumen: Sweeping demographic shifts are challenging the growth of many rural communities in the Tenth District. The retirement of the baby boomers, coupled with the exodus of young adults, threatens to leave rural areas with a rapidly aging population and a shrinking local workforce. The strength of these demographic changes could hinder economic growth for many rural communities in the future. Rural communities in the district, however, are quietly enjoying another demographic shift a return of middle-aged residents to rural places. This shift may be a promising sign for economic growth and wealth generation. Rural areas, of course, must continue to face the challenges of an aging population and the loss of young adults. But the in-migration of middle-aged residents and their families could raise a new question for economic development. Instead of simply trying to stem the tide of young adult out-migration, should rural areas focus more on the recent trend of middle-aged families coming home to rural America? Henderson and Akers discuss the economic implications of aging populations and migration patterns on rural Tenth District communities. They find that while rural communities in the Tenth District will struggle with aging populations and the loss of young adults, enhancing quality-of-life amenities appear to be a way for rural communities to benefit from the return of middle-aged families.
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Registro 4 de 9
Autor: Henderson, Jason - 
Título: Will Farmland Values Keep Booming?
Fuente: Economic Review. v.93, n.2. US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Páginas: pp. 81-103
Año: 2008
Resumen: Lean supplies, strong export activity, and vibrant demand both at home and abroad have pushed crop prices to record highs, offsetting todayïs spiraling production costs. As a result, farm profits and investments have soared, and farmland values have boomed.
But commodity markets in agriculture can change directions abruptly and so agricultural bankers and farm analysts naturally question the sustainability of todayïs prosperity. The current agriculture boom is strikingly similar to those of the 1970s and mid-1990s, when the good times quickly faded as crop supplies increased, the dollar strengthened, and export activity weakened. One particular danger is that rising farmland values could be accompanied by greater financial leverage, increasing the industryïs vulnerability to a drop in income, as in the 1980s.
Henderson discusses current farmland value trends and analyzes the factors underlying the recent surge. He concludes that the recent surge in farmland values tracks expected gains in crop returns. At the same time, however, an unexpected surge in production costs or a drop in crop prices could undercut farmland values and pose a financial risk to the farm sector. Thus far, however, the industryïs debt levels are up only modestly, helping to mitigate the risks of a drop in farm incomes.
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Registro 5 de 9
Autor: Henderson, Jason - Akers, Maria - 
Título: Can Markets Improve Water Allocation in Rural America?
Fuente: Economic Review. v.93, n.4. US Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Páginas: pp. 97-117
Año: 2008
Resumen: Water, one of the most fundamental resources for economic activity, covers about three-fourths of the earth’s surface--but only 2.5 percent of that amount is considered fresh water. While freshwater supplies in the United States are relatively abundant, increasing demand and drought, especially in the Great Plains, have left some states wondering whether there is enough fresh water to go around.
The drive for greater efficiency in the use of water has led to the emergence of water markets. These markets allow for the equitable transfer of water rights from lower-value agricultural uses to higher-value uses, such as for emerging industries and growing municipalities. Many rural communities, though, view water markets as a threat to their economic foundation and future growth.
Henderson and Akers examine how water markets affect both water right holders and their rural communities. They conclude that other mechanisms, in combination with water markets, may be needed to improve the efficiency of water allocation and compensate rural communities for lost economic activity.
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