MegaCatálogo Bibliográfico
Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Contreras, Oscar F. - Kenney, Martin - Curry, James
Título: Internet y desarrollo regional en el noroeste de México
Fuente: Comercio Exterior. v.51, n.4. México. Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior
Páginas: pp. 308-316
Año: abr. 2001
Resumen: Las tecnologías de la información entrañan oportunidades y retos. Los autores presentan una investigación sobre el uso actual de internet en el estado de Sonora, así como la forma en que las empresas lo aprovechan, en particular en lo relativo al comercio electrónico
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA C + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Kenney, Martin - Florida, Richard
Título: The organization and geography of Japanese R&D: results from a survey of Japanese electronics and biotechnology firms
Fuente: Research Policy. v.23, n.3. Elsevier Science
Páginas: pp. 305-322
Año: 1994/5
Resumen: The paper reports the results of a mail survey of and personal interviews with R&D managers of the largest Japanese electronics and biotechnology firms regarding the organizational and geographic dimensions of their R&D activities. The results indicate that the importance of multi-functional teams for Japanese R&D has been overemphasized. The transfer of employees between R&D and manufacturing and joint meetings are judged as being the most important factors in ensuring the information transfer between the two corporate functions. The findings indicate that basic research facilities have significant locational flexibility. However, applied research and production engineering need to be in close proximity to manufacturing. The differences between the electronics and biotechnology industries were only rarely significant.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente

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