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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Kherallah, Mylene - Beghin, John - 
Título: U.S. Trade Threats: Rhetoric or War?
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.80, n.1. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 15-29
Año: Feb. 1998
Resumen: The authors present an empirical analysis of factors determining trade wars and agreements under U.S. trade law Section 301. A system of two probit equations is estimated using historical data on Section 301 cases to determine which economic and political factors increase the likelihood of trade frictions. The likelihood of trade war increases when the United States’ export share in the world market declines, when the United States is less dependent on the market of the targeted country, when foreign policymakers are in an election year, and when negotiations relate to highly protected and unionized industries in the targeted country.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Beghin, John-C - Foster, William-E - Kherallah, Mylene - 
Título: Institutions and Market Distortions: International Evidence for Tobacco
Fuente: Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.47, n.3. Agricultural Economics Society
Páginas: pp. 355-65
Año: Sept. 1996
Resumen: The link between institutional factors and agricultural protection levels is investigated using cross-section time series data on three tobacco types. The analysis includes the presence of monopsonistic marketing agencies, political institutions, and the feasibility of tax revenue collection and diversification. Protection increases with economic development and with well functioning direct taxation systems, but tends to be lower in the most advanced pluralistic democracies. The presence of strong anti-smoking interest groups seems to galvanise the lobbying effort of tobacco farmers--higher protection is associated with that presence.
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