MegaCatálogo Bibliográfico
Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 11 registros

Registro 1 de 11
Autor: Lewis, Tracy-R - Sappington, David-E-M - 
Título: Motivating Wealth-Constrained Actors
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.90, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 944-60
Año: Sept. 2000
Resumen: We examine how owners of productive resources (e.g. public enterprises or financial capital) optimally allocate their resources among wealth-constrained operators of unknown ability. Optimal allocations exhibit: (1) shared enterprise profit--the resource owner always shares the operator’s profit; (2) dispersed enterprise ownership--resources are widely distributed among operators of varying ability; (3) limited benefits of competition--the owner may not benefit from increased competition for the resource; and, sometimes (4) diluted incentives for the most capable--more capable operators receive smaller shares of the returns they generate. Implications for privatizations and venture capital arrangements are explored.
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Registro 2 de 11
Autor: Lewis, Tracy-R - Sappington, David-E-M - 
Título: Optimal Capital Structure in Agency Relationships
Fuente: RAND Journal of Economics. v.26, n.3. RAND
Páginas: pp. 343-61
Año: autumn 1995
Resumen: The authors analyze the optimal design of capital structure in agency relationships. When a risk-averse principal controls the agent’s capital structure, she awards a larger equity stake to outsiders the smaller the agent’s productivity. When she controls both the timing and the terms of the agent’s financing, the principal shifts to equityholders all risk associated with stochastic production and with the agent’s unknown productivity. When the principal dictates only the terms of financing, only the former risk is borne by equityholders. When the principal is sufficiently averse to risk, she affords the agent no choice among incentive schemes.
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Registro 3 de 11
Autor: Lewis, Tracy-R (Reviewer)
Título: Review of: Regulating power: The economics of electricity in the information age
Fuente: Journal of Economic Literature. v.32, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 1266-67
Año: Sept. 1994
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 11
Autor: Blair, Benjamin-F - Lewis, Tracy-R - 
Título: Optimal Retail Contracts with Asymmetric Information and Moral Hazard
Fuente: RAND Journal of Economics. v.25, n.2. RAND
Páginas: pp. 284-96
Año: summer 1994
Resumen: Constrained joint-profit-maximizing retail contracts are derived when the dealer is privately informed about demand conditions before contracting with the manufacturer. Demand is increased by dealer promotion, which is unobservable by the manufacturer. Consequently, the manufacturer does not know whether to attribute a low level of sales to a decline in demand or to a lack of promotion. The authors show that, in general, the optimal contract exhibits some form of resale price maintenance and quantity fixing. The type of resale price maintenance and quantity fixing depends on how price and quantity affect the link between sales and promotion.
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Registro 5 de 11
Autor: Lewis, Tracy-R - Sappington, David-E-M - 
Título: Technological Change and the Boundaries of the Firm
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.81, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 887-900
Año: Sept. 1991
Resumen: The authors examine a firm’s decision either to produce an essential input itself or to hire a subcontractor to produce the input. The authors focus on how this decision is affected by technological change in the industry. In general, cost-reducing technological change leads the firm to produce the input itself more often. The firm’s calculus is shown to depend on whether the subcontractor’s skills are idiosyncratic or transferable. In the latter case, technological progress can even be detrimental to the firm and to society as a whole.
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