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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: López, R. - 
Título: Sustainable economic development: On the coexistence of resource-dependent and resource-impacting industries
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.15, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 687-705
Año: Dec. 2010
Resumen: This paper studies the interactions between harvesters, whose income depends on a renewable natural resource as a key factor of production (e.g., fisheries) and industries that can have important impacts on the renewable resource, but whose production does not depend on it (e.g., off-shore oil extraction) in the context of a growing economy. We examine these issues for a closed economy focusing on how the co-existence between these two sectors affects sustainable development and the well-being of the poor, i.e., the harvesters. We show that under certain conditions the existence and expansion of a resource-impacting industrial sector may be consistent with sustainable development. However, if these conditions are not met, growth of the resource-impacting sector leads to further resource depletion and may even threaten the feasibility of sustainable development.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Czekaj, M. - Naigeboren, M. - Deza, H. - Tefaha, L. - Fagre, J. - Olaya, L. - Lopez, R. - Ruiz A. - Kestelman, N. - Martinez Riera, N. - Fracchia, L. - Mirkin, S. - Salvatierra, M. - Aquino, M. - DïUrso, M.
Título: La autoevaluación institucional con una mirada prospectiva
En: Encuentro Nacional, 4; Latinoamericano, 1. La Universidad como Objeto de Investigación. San Miguel de Tucumán, 7-9 octubre 2004
Institución patroc.: Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Ciudad y Editorial: San Miguel de Tucumán : Magna
Año: 2004
Solicitar por: MULTI CD 00030

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