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» Resultado: 12 registros

Registro 1 de 12
Autor: Milgrom, Paul - 
Título: Putting auction theory to work : the simultaneous ascending auction
Fuente: Journal of Political Economy. v.108, n.2. The University of Chicago Press
Páginas: pp. 245-272
Año: Apr. 2000
Resumen: I review the uses of economic theory, in die initial design and later improvement of the "simultaneous ascending auction," which was developed initially for the sale of radio spectrum licenses in the United States. I analyze some capabilities and limitations of the auction, the roles of various detailed rules, the possibilities for introducing combinatorial bidding, and some considerations in adapting the auction for sales in which revenue, rather than efficiency, is die primary goal
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Registro 2 de 12
Autor: Milgrom, Paul - Roberts, John - 
Título: The LeChatelier Principle
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.86, n.1. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 173-79
Año: Mar. 1996
Resumen: The LeChatelier principle, in the form introduced into economics by Paul A. Samuelson, asserts that, at a point of long-run equilibrium, the derivative of long-run compensated demand with respect to own price is larger in magnitude than the derivative of short-run compensated demand. The authors introduce an extended LeChatelier principle that applies also to large price changes and to uncompensated demand as well as to a wide range of concave and nonconcave maximization problems outside the scope of demand theory. This extension also clarifies the intuitive basis of the principle.
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Registro 3 de 12
Autor: Milgrom, Paul - Roberts, John - 
Título: The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Reply
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.85, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 997-99
Año: Sept. 1995
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Registro 4 de 12
Autor: Holmstrom, Bengt - Milgrom, Paul - 
Título: The Firm as an Incentive System
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.84, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 972-91
Año: Sept. 1994
Resumen: The authors explore the twin hypotheses (1) that high-performance incentives, worker ownership of assets, and worker freedom from direct controls are complementary instruments for motivating workers, and (2) that such instruments can be expected to covary positively in cross-sectional data. They also relate their conclusions to empirical evidence, particularly that on the organization, compensation, and management of sales forces.
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Registro 5 de 12
Autor: Milgrom, Paul - Roberts, John - 
Título: Comparing Equilibria
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.84, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 441-59
Año: June 1994
Resumen: The authors develop an ordinal approach to comparing the equilibria of economic models. Its main advantages over the traditional approach based on signing derivatives are that it utilizes only a subset of the assumptions, resulting in a simpler theory that facilitates focusing attention on the economics rather than the mathematics; it applies to discrete changes, even when there are multiple equilibria and when some equilibria do not vary smoothly with the parameters; and it incorporates a formal theory of the robustness of conclusions to assumptions, which helps modelers distinguish which assumptions are ’critical’ to their comparative-statics conclusions.
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