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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: MARKANDYA, A. - MURTY, M.N. - 
Título: Cost-benefit analysis of cleaning the Ganges: some emerging environment and development issues
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.9, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 61-81
Año: Feb. 2004
Resumen: This paper while attempting to estimate the social benefits of cleaning the Ganges river in India highlights some of the emerging environmental and development issues in the river cleaning programmes. Methods involving the market and non-market valuation of environmental goods are used to estimate the benefits. The benefits estimated include user and non-user benefits, health benefits to the poor households living along the river, and agricultural benefits to farmers among other benefits. However, the benefits from fisheries, one of the important components of benefits from the river cleaning, could not be quantified in this paper. With the benefits that could be quantified, the program of cleaning the Ganges has positive net present social benefits at a 10 per cent social rate of discount and an internal rate of return as high as 15 per cent. Furthermore the estimates of benefits of river cleaning obtained in this paper provide guidance for designing the policy instruments to raise revenue for sustaining the river cleaning processes in India. A number of different mechanisms are considered to raise the resources for sustaining the cleaning of Ganges. They are a polluter-pays principle, a user-pays principle (with government involvement), a user-pays principle (without government involvement), and funding from the general tax system.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Murty, M.N. - Kumar, Surender - 
Título: Measuring the cost of environmentally sustainable industrial development in India: a distance function approach
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.7, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 467-486
Año: July 2002
Resumen: This paper attempts to estimate the maintenance cost of water pollution abatement measures to the Indian industry using the methodology of distance function in the theory of production. The distance function is estimated using both programming and stochastic frontier models for a sample of water polluting industries in India. The firm-specific shadow prices for pollutants, measures of efficiency, and scale economies are estimated. Estimates show that on average the cost to the Indian industry for reducing one ton of BOD and COD are respectively, Rs 0.246 and 0.077 million. Large differences in the estimates of firm-specific shadow prices of pollutants reflect the use of inefficient water pollution abatement technologies. The relationships between firm-specific shadow prices or marginal costs of abatement of BOD and COD and the index of compliance (ratio of effluent load to sale value) and the pollution load reductions obtained confirm the earlier empirical results of studies on water pollution abatement in Indian industries. The earlier studies have found increasing marginal costs with respect to reductions in pollution concentrations and decreasing marginal cost with respect to the pollution loads reduced by the firms
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