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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 8 registros

Registro 1 de 8
Autor: Klevorick, Alvin K. - Levin, Richard C. - Nelson, Richard R. - Winter, Sidney G. - 
Título: On the sources and significance of interindustry differences in technological opportunities
Fuente: Research Policy. v.24, n.2. Elsevier Science
Páginas: pp. 185-205
Año: 1995/3
Resumen: The set of technological opportunities in a given industry is one of the fundamental determinants of technical advance in that line of business. We examine the concept of technological opportunity and discuss three categories of sources of those opportunities: advances in scientific understanding and technique, technological advances originating in other industries and in other private and governmental institutions, and feedbacks from an industry’s own technological advances. Data from the Yale Survey on Industrial Research and Development are used to measure the strength of various sources of technological opportunity and to discern interindustry differences in the importance of these sources. We find that interindustry differences in the strength and sources of technological opportunities contribute importantly to explanations of cross-industry variation in R&D intensity and technological advance.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 8
Autor: Rosenberg, Nathan - Nelson, Richard R. - 
Título: American universities and technical advance in industry
Fuente: Research Policy. v.23, n.3. Elsevier Science
Páginas: pp. 323-348
Año: 1994/5
Resumen: Over the past decade there has been an intensification of interest in how universities can play a more effective role in promoting technical advance in American industry. However, very little of the current discussion is solidly based on an informed analysis of the roles that universities actually play today or the historical circumstances that caused universities to assume these roles.This paper offers an analysis, both historical and contemporary, that identifies the distinctive strengths, as well as limitations, of university research. Regarding the strengths, most of university research is basic research in the sense that it aims to understand phenomena at a relatively fundamental level. However, this does not mean that such research is uninfluenced by the pull of important technological problems and objectives. The lion’s share of university research is in the engineering disciplines and applied sciences such as computer science and oncology which, by their nature, are oriented toward problem-solving. Despite its obvious usefulness, industry does very little of such basic research because the payoffs are of a long-run nature as well as difficult to appropriate. The vast bulk of industry R&D is focused directly on shorter term problem-solving, design and development. Universities are not particularly good at this sort of work. Industry is more effective in dealing with problems that are located close to the market place.This paper argues that new policies will need to respect this division of labor.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 8
Autor: Nelson, Richard R. - 
Título: A retrospective
En: Nelson, Richard R.. National innovation systems : a comparative analysis
Ciudad y Editorial: New York : Oxford University Press
Páginas: Cap.16 505-522
Año: 1993
Solicitar por: MEI 00418
Registro 4 de 8
Autor: Nelson, Richard R. - 
Título: Why do firms differ, and how does it matter?
Fuente: Strategic Management Journal. v.12
Páginas: pp. 61-74
Año: 1991
Solicitar por: MEI 00416 + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 8
Autor: Nelson, Richard R. - Winter, Sidney G. - 
Título: Firm and Industry Response to Changed Market Conditions: An Evolutionary Approach
Fuente: Economic Inquiry. v.18, n.2. Oxford University
Páginas: pp. 179-202
Año: 1980
Palabras clave: INDUSTRIA | MERCADO |
Solicitar por: ECON 30058/25 + datos de Fuente

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