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» Resultado: 5 registros

Registro 1 de 5
Autor: Poudel, Narayan Raj - Fuwa, Nobuhiko - Otsuka, Keijiro - 
Título: The impacts of a community forestry program on forest conditions, management intensity and revenue generation in the Dang district of Nepal
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.20, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 259-281
Año: Apr. 2015
Resumen: A growing literature documents the positive impact of community management on non-timber forest conservation but not on the condition of timber forests, which require higher management intensity than do non-timber forests. Using ground-level data of the age composition of trees and the management activities of timber forests and applying a rigorous econometric technique to deal with the endogeneity of handing over forest use rights to the community, we find that a longer period of community management is associated with a higher density of pole-size trees, indicating that community management facilitates the rehabilitation of timber forests. We also find that population pressure leads to deforestation under state management but encourages forest management under community management.
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Registro 2 de 5
Autor: Nakano, Yuko - Otsuka, Keijiro - 
Título: Determinants of household contributions to collective irrigation management: The case of the Doho Rice Scheme in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.16, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 527-552
Año: Oct. 2011
Resumen: In order to explore the conditions for successful communal irrigation management, this study investigates the determinants of household contributions to the cleaning of irrigation channels and the availability of water. By using household-level data collected in a large-scale gravity irrigation scheme in Uganda, whose management was transferred from the government to the community, we find that household contributions to the cleaning of irrigation channels are determined by the scarcity of irrigation water, the opportunity cost of labor and the private benefit associated with plot size. We also find that the availability of irrigation water increases in the tertiary irrigation canal where the coefficient of variation of plot size is large, which may indicate that farmers of larger plots are particularly active in water management. These findings suggest that farmers are responsive to private benefits and, hence, the support of the government for communities to implement punishment may be effective for successful irrigation management.
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Registro 3 de 5
Autor: Sakurai, Takeshi - Rayamajhi, Santosh - Pokharel, Ridish K. - Otsuka, Keijiro - 
Título: Efficiency of Timber Production in Community and Private Forestry in Nepal
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.9, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 539-561
Año: Aug. 2004
Resumen: This study compares the management performance of timber production among three management systems in Nepal: private forestry, community forestry with collective management, and community forestry with centralized management. While collective management relies entirely on community labor for the whole management, centralized management uses community labor for the protection of forests and hired labor for silvicultural operations, for example weeding, pruning, and thinning. We found that collective community management is less costly for the protection of planted trees but allocates less labor for the management of trees than private management. We also found that centralized management of natural forests leads to higher revenue and profit than collective management. These findings support the hypothesis that, while collective management is more efficient than private management for the protection of trees due to effective mutual supervision, profit seeking private management or centralized management is more efficient than collective management for silvicultural operations due to superior work incentives. This study, however, failed to compare efficiency of private and centralized management.
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Registro 4 de 5
Autor: Otsuka, Keijiro - Quisumbing, Agnes R. - Payongayong, Ellen - Aidoo, J.B.
Título: Land tenure and the management of land and trees: the case of customary land tenure areas of Ghana
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.8, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 77-104
Año: Feb. 2003
Resumen: This study explores the effects of land tenure institutions on land use and management using household date from cocoa growing areas of Ghana. Various land tenure institutions with different land rights coexist in our sites, such as allocated family land, inherited land, appropriated village land, and land received as gift. While tree planting and the decision to leave land fallow may be affected by land tenure status, there are no significant differences in labor allocation and revenue of both cocoa and food crops among parcels under different land tenure institutions. These results support the hypothesis that management incentives of cocoa fields, but not food crop fields, tend to be equalized due to the incentive-enhancing effects of granting secure land rights after efforts to plant cocoa trees are expended.
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Registro 5 de 5
Autor: Otsuka, Keijiro - Chuma, Hiroyuki - Hayami, Yujiro - 
Título: Land and Labor Contracts in Agrarian Economies: Theories and Facts
Fuente: Journal of Economic Literature. v.30, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 1965-2018
Año: Dec. 1992
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