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» Resultado: 6 registros

Registro 1 de 6
Autor: Scheufele, Gabriela - Bennett, Jeff - 
Título: Valuing biodiversity protection: Payment for Environmental Services schemes in Lao PDR
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 376-394
Año: aug. 2019
Resumen: The design of a Payment for Environmental Services (PES) scheme that involves setting a ’pseudo market price’ per unit of environmental service requires the estimation of demand and supply. This paper presents the results of discrete choice experiments aimed at estimating the demand for environmental and social services generated by a wildlife protection PES scheme in two protected areas in Lao PDR. The discrete choice experiments targeted international tourists sampled at Vientiane airport and the urban Lao population sampled in Vientiane City as potential buyers of the environmental and social services provided by the PES scheme. The survey was customised to a developing country context to address diversity in respondents’ literacy levels, language limitations of the interviewers, socio-cultural conventions, and limited trust in confidentiality and anonymity of the survey process. The marginal benefits of the environmental services so estimated were used to inform the development of a PES scheme.
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Registro 2 de 6
Autor: Bateman, Laura - Yi, Dale - Cacho, Oscar J - Stringer, Randy - 
Título: Payments for environmental services to strengthen ecosystem connectivity in an agricultural landscape
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 635-654
Año: dec. 2018
Resumen: This article investigates the use of payments for environmental services to support a wildlife corridor between two Priority Tiger Conservation Landscapes in central Sumatra, Indonesia. Several hundred smallholders operate within a Protection Forest linking the Tiger Conservation Landscapes. This study explores the willingness of these smallholders to accept a payment requiring them to forgo access to their land for five years. In addition to asking households directly what they would be willing to accept (WTA), we also ask them to infer what their neighbour would accept. The study finds evidence of hypothetical bias in the conventional WTA values, with a statistically significant difference between what people say they would be willing to accept when surveyed, compared to what they say would actually be willing to accept in a ’real life’ situation. We show how inferred valuation techniques can mitigate against this.
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Registro 3 de 6
Autor: Groom, Ben - Palmer, Charles - 
Título: Cost-effective provision of environmental services: the role of relaxing market constraints
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.15, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp 219-240
Año: Apr. 2010
Resumen: Ferraro and Simpson (2002) argue that when markets are competitive, payments for environmental services (PES) are more cost-effective in achieving environmental goals than more indirect approaches such as subsidies to capital. However, when eco-entrepreneurs face non-price rationing in input or output markets, as is typical for credit in developing countries for example, we show that interventions which relax constraints can be more cost-effective than PES. One corollary of this is that such indirect approaches are preferred to PES by interveners (e.g., donors) and eco-entrepreneurs alike. Both of these outcomes are more likely when constraints are severe. This has implications for schemes with dual environment and poverty alleviation objectives.
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Registro 4 de 6
Autor: Southgate, Douglas - Haab, Timothy - Lundine, John - Rodríguez, Fabián
Título: Payments for environmental services and rural livelihood strategies in Ecuador and Guatemala
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.15, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 21-37
Año: Feb. 2010
Resumen: Presented in this paper are the results of two contingent valuation analyses, one undertaken in Ecuador and the other in Guatemala, of potential payments for environmental services (PES) directed toward rural households. We find that minimum compensation demanded by these households is far from uniform, depending in particular on individual strategies for raising incomes and dealing with risks. Our findings strengthen the case for allowing conservation payments to vary among recipients, which would be a departure from the current norm for PES initiatives in Latin America.
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Registro 5 de 6
Autor: Fastame, Inés G. - Niscovolos, Luis P.
Título: El medio ambiente y la OMC Reseña sobre las negociaciones en bienes y servicios ambientales
Fuente: Boletín Informativo Techint, n.322. Techint
Páginas: pp. 61-104
Año: ene.-abr. 2007
Resumen: La problemática del medio ambiente ha suscitado un creciente interés a nivel mundial, particularmente a raíz de los inconvenientes que se derivan del calentamiento global. En este sentido, el comercio internacional puede jugar un rol importante, pues existen un conjunto de bienes y servicios que pueden prevenir, limitar, minimizar o corregir los daños ambientales. A éstos se los denomina bienes y servicios ambientales. Los foros de naturaleza comercial, como la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), no quedaron ajenos al debate sobre la conveniencia de promover el comercio internacional de los bienes y servicios ambientales. Sin embargo, como en la mayoría de los casos, las negociaciones implican acercar posiciones e intereses distintos. Por un lado, la mayoría de los países desarrollados exportan bienes y servicios ambientales, con lo cual apoyan la liberalización total del sector; mientras que la mayoría de los países en desarrollo (PED) son importadores de estos bienes y servicios, por lo que exigen que las potenciales liberalizaciones contemplen las necesidades y problemáticas de los PED. De este modo, el objetivo del trabajo consiste en brindar un panorama general del estado de situación de las negociaciones en la OMC relacionadas con la industria de bienes y servicios ambientales; examinar los posibles beneficios de la liberalización del sector, particularmente para los PED y la Argentina; y analizar las posiciones de algunos miembros de la OMC con relación a la liberalización del sector.
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