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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 17 registros

Registro 1 de 17
Autor: La-Porta, Rafael - Lopez-de-Silanes, Florencio - Shleifer, Andrei - 
Título: Corporate Ownership around the World
Fuente: Journal of Finance. v.54, n.2. American Finance Association
Páginas: pp. 471-517
Año: Apr. 1999
Resumen: The authors use data on ownership structures of large corporations in twenty-seven wealthy economies to identify the ultimate controlling shareholders of these firms. They find that, except in economies with very good shareholder protection, relatively few of these firms are widely held, in contrast to Adolf Berle and Gardiner Means’s (1932) image of ownership of the modern corporation. Rather, these firms are typically controlled by families or the state. Equity control by financial institutions is far less common. The controlling shareholders typically have power over firms significantly in excess of their cash flow rights, primarily through the use of pyramids and participation in management.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 17
Autor: Barberis, Nicholas - Shleifer, Andrei - Vishny, Robert
Título: A Model of Investor Sentiment
Fuente: Journal of Financial Economics. v.49, n.3. Elsevier Science
Páginas: pp. 307-43
Año: Sept. 1998
Resumen: Recent empirical research in finance has uncovered two families of pervasive regularities: underreaction of stock prices to news such as earnings announcements, and overreaction of stock prices to a series of good or bad news. In this paper, the authors present a parsimonious model of investor sentiment, or of how investors form beliefs, which is consistent with the empirical findings. The model is based on psychological evidence and produces both underreaction and overreaction for a wide range of parameter values.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 17
Autor: Shleifer, Andrei - 
Título: State versus Private Ownership
Fuente: Journal of Economic Perspectives. v.12, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 133-50
Año: fall 1998
Resumen: Private ownership should generally be preferred to public ownership when the incentives to innovate and to contain costs must be strong. In essence, this is the case for capitalism over socialism, explaining the ’dynamic vitality’ of free enterprise. The great economists of the 1930s and 1940s failed to see the dangers of socialism in part because they focused on the role of prices under socialism and capitalism and ignored the enormous importance of ownership as the source of capitalist incentives to innovate. Moreover, the concern that private firms fail to address ’social goals’ can be addressed through government contracting and regulation, without resorting to government ownership. The case for private provision only becomes stronger when competition between suppliers, reputational mechanisms, the possibility of provision by private not-for-profit firms, as well as political patronage and corruption, are brought into play.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 17
Autor: Hay, Jonathan-R - Shleifer, Andrei - 
Título: Private Enforcement of Public Laws: A Theory of Legal Reform
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.88, n.2. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 398-403
Año: May 1998
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA A + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 17
Autor: Shleifer, Andrei - Vishny, Robert-W - 
Título: A Survey of Corporate Governance
Fuente: Journal of Finance. v.52, n.2. American Finance Association
Páginas: pp. 737-83
Año: June 1997
Resumen: This article surveys research on corporate governance, with special attention to the importance of legal protection of investors and of ownership concentration in corporate governance systems around the world.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente

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