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» Resultado: 213 registros

Registro 1 de 213
Autor: Bora, K.
Título: Rainfall shocks and fertilizer use: a district level study of India
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 556-577
Año: dec. 2022
Resumen: In the context of climate change and increasing occurrences of extreme events, it is essential to understand farmers’ responses to weather shocks and adaptations. This paper uses a panel dataset of 311 selected Indian districts ranging from 1966 to 2009 to investigate how application of chemical fertilizers varies in response to rainfall shocks. Two rainfall shock measures are constructed based on deviation in rainfall from the normal, a categorical measure of rainfall shock; and another, a continuous index of negative rainfall deviation. Based on a panel fixed effect regression, the study finds no apparent reduction in the level of fertilizer use in negative rainfall shock years. However, with a one-year lagged rainfall shock, a reduction in fertilizer application rate is observed for the continuous drought index. Further, exposure to higher intensity droughts in the previous year leads to an increase in the amount of fertilizer application in the current year.
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Registro 2 de 213
Autor: Chaijaroen, P.
Título: Tradeoffs between fertility and child development attributes: evidence from coral bleaching in Indonesia
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 295-315
Año: aug. 2022
Resumen: Coral bleaching is associated with large income shocks and a substantial decrease in protein consumption among the affected fishery households in Indonesia [Chaijaroen (2019) Long-lasting income shocks and adaptations: evidence from coral bleaching in Indonesia. Journal of Development Economics 136, 119-136]. According to the health and economics literature, early childhood exposures to shocks such as those from coral bleaching can have long-lasting effects on health, schooling, and other later-life outcomes. This paper explores how the mass coral bleaching in 1998 affected household decisions on fertility and child development. Using the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) and a triple differences approach, results from 2000 suggest an increase in fertility and an increased likelihood of severe childhood stunting among the affected households. For comparison, rainfall shocks are associated with a decrease in fertility and smaller adverse effects on child health and schooling outcomes. This study suggests that the effects of coral bleaching might have been underestimated, and our findings yield more targeted policy recommendations on climate shock mitigation.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 213
Autor: Costa, L. - Sant’Anna, A. A. - Young, C. E. F.
Título: Barren Lives: drought shocks and agricultural vulnerability in the Brazilian Semi-Arid - Corrigendum
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 294-294
Año: jun. 2022
Resumen: This paper studies the effects of drought shocks in a vulnerable environment - the Brazilian Semi-Arid. We analyze the impact of drought shocks, measured as deviations from long-run historical averages, on agricultural outcomes in a region that suffers recurrently from drought. After controlling for municipality and year fixed effects, we use weather shocks to exactly identify outcomes. Our benchmark results show substantial effects on the loss of crop area and on the value of agricultural output, as well as on crop yields. As we investigate distributional effects, our results show that crops related to familiar agriculture suffer more from drought shocks. We follow our investigation by testing heterogeneity effects and show that adequate water provision and maintenance of forest cover help in reducing the impact of drought shocks.
Palabras clave: SEGUIA | AGRICULTURA |
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Registro 4 de 213
Autor: Abiona, O.
Título: Malnutrition pathway for the impact of in utero drought shock on child growth indicators in rural households
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 20-39
Año: feb. 2022
Resumen: This paper evaluates the short-term health effects of in utero drought shock using repeated cross-section household data on Malawi. The main finding reveals that the effects of in utero harvest variability caused by rainfall shocks on child growth indices are driven by the deleterious effects of negative rainfall deviations, namely droughts. Negative rainfall deviation during the agricultural season prior to the gestational period of a child leads to a 21.8 per cent average local level reduction in age-standardized height scores, with the counterpart positive rainfall deviation having no apparent effect. The paper also uses harvest and consumption patterns to establish an important link between early-life malnutrition and growth serving as a precursor for the fetal period programming hypothesis in the literature. The direct impact of embryonic period shocks on growth provides supportive evidence on potential interaction between nutritional and environmental pathways.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 213
Autor: de Oliveira, Victor Hugo
Título: Natural disasters and economic growth in Northeast Brazil: evidence from municipal economies of the Ceará State
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 271-293
Año: jun. 2019
Resumen: Based on an unexplored data set on disasters in Brazil, the current study shows that the direct damage of natural disasters reduces the GDP growth rate of municipal economies in Ceará state, Northeast Brazil. The agriculture and service sectors are the most affected economic sectors, while the industrial sector remains unaffected by environmental shocks. Economic growth is particularly responsive to the occurrence of large natural disasters that lead municipalities to declare a state of emergency or public calamity. Regarding public policies, water supply infrastructure increases the resilience of the output growth of services to droughts, whereas disaster microinsurance helps to mitigate the effects of droughts and floods on the economic growth of agriculture in a Brazilian state where family farming is predominant and highly vulnerable to natural disasters.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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