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» Resultado: 4 registros

Registro 1 de 4
Autor: Socher, Karl - 
Título: What are the tasks of the state in providing the framework for tourism?
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.56, n.1/2. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 57-60
Año: 2001
Resumen: Governments of regions and nations as well as international and supra-national institutions are actors in "direct" tourism policies. Besides these policies, these institutions have to fulfil a minimum of roles in other fields, which are necessary for an optimal development of the world and national economies including their tourism sector. Even in a free market economy, the state has to provide a legal framework for the functioning of markets. Also, the state has to correct market failures: to provide for public goods, to internalize external effects and to avoid asymetric information. Some of these necessary measures of "indirect" tourism policy are discussed for such fields like the environment and use of land, education and training. On the other hand, some measures of the existing direct and indirect tourism policies are not optimal, for instance subsidies.
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Registro 2 de 4
Autor: Socher, Karl - 
Título: Reforming destination management organisations and financing
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.55, n.2. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 39-44
Año: 2000
Resumen: The fast changes of the tourism markets make it necessary to adapt destination management organisations, their functions and financing. The paper tries to develop a model for an optimal, efficient destination management system, especially to cope with the problem of limiting the necessary government influence and transfer as many decisions as possible to the individual private entrepreneurs. In this model the two tasks of destination management organisations - product development and marketing - are separated and are financed by two different taxes or levies, which are necessary for the function of producing public goods on the one side and internalizing external effects on the other side. The distribution of the levy payments to the different purposes is left to a large extent to the free choice of the individual levy-payer, the entreprises profiting from tourism. This will induce a competition process between different destination management organisations to find the most efficient system.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA T + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 4
Autor: Socher, Karl - 
Título: Economic costs and benefits of the euro for tourism
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.54, n.2. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 14-20
Año: 1999
Resumen: Most studies about the influence of the euro for tourism calculate the savings of transaction costs of½-3 per cent and assume that these amount will increase tourism demand. This paper argues, that the influence of the euro on tourism is much smaller. The transaction costs would have been falling even without the euro due to technological developments (cash-cards etc) and a part of the costs (of credit cards) will not be diminished. Also, the costs for the tourism industry of fluctuations of the exchange rates would become smaller in the future even without the euro. In addition, the costs of the introduction of the euro will have to be born lastly by the households and therefore by tourists.
Palabras clave: TURISMO | ECONOMIA | MONEDA | EURO |
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Registro 4 de 4
Autor: Socher, Karl - 
Título: How not to get Olympic Games: Destination managers instead of strategists
Fuente: Tourism Review. v.52, n.2. International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism, AIEST
Páginas: pp. 41-47
Año: 1997
Resumen: This article generally deals with the level of acceptance the population of Tyrol showed for the Olympic Games in Innsbruck in the past (1964 and 1976) and in these days (applications for 2002 and 2006). Moreover, it explains the reasons which led to a decrease in sympathy for Olympic Games among the local population during the last years. Particularly most people in the city think, that tourism drives up prices, increases traffic, reduces parking space, destroys the environment and so on. On the other hand, the people in the country-side, especially in the tourism resorts, have a more positive opinion about tourism, because they see the advantages for them directly. In 1993, the application for the Olympic Winter Games 2002 was negative with 73 per cent of the votes. In 1997, a second referendum for an application for 2006 was held. The result in the province of Tyrol was positive with a majority of 69 per cent, but the voters in the city of Innsbruck rejected the proposal by 53 per cent. The author works out the thesis, that a well organized campaign could have had a positive result already in the first referendum in 1993. He also points out, that one of the main mistakes was the fact that there were no engaged entrepreneurs supporting the idea of Olympic Games, but mainly politicians and functionaries. Other reasons for the rejection and increased scepticism of the population are the concentration on the city of Innsbruck, the lack in clearly demonstrating the advantages in financial income, infrastructure and employment as well as the opinion that tourism only meets the interest of the hotel industry.
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