MegaCatálogo Bibliográfico
Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 6 registros

Registro 1 de 6
Autor: Stephan, Paula-E - Everhart, Stephen-S - 
Título: The Changing Rewards to Science: The Case of Biotechnology
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.10, n.2. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 141-51
Año: Mar. 1998
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Registro 2 de 6
Autor: Stephan, Paula-E - Levin, Sharon-G - 
Título: Property Rights and Entrepreneurship in Science
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.8, n.3. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 177-88
Año: June 1996
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Registro 3 de 6
Autor: Stephan, Paula-E - 
Título: The Economics of Science
Fuente: Journal of Economic Literature. v.34, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 1199-1235
Año: Sept. 1996
Resumen: This essay examines in an interdisciplinary context the contributions that economists have made to the study of science and the types of contributions the profession is positioned to make in the future. Special emphasis is placed on the public nature of knowledge and characteristics of the reward structure that encourage the production and sharing of knowledge. Scientific labor markets are discussed as are life-cycle models. The role that resources play in discovery leads to the conclusion that the human capital model is not up to the task of explaining the career patterns that emerge in science. The essay also discusses the relationship of scientific research to economic growth.
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Registro 4 de 6
Autor: Audretsch, David-B - Stephan, Paula-E - 
Título: Company-Scientist Locational Links: The Case of Biotechnology
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.86, n.3. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 641-52
Año: June 1996
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Registro 5 de 6
Autor: Levin, Sharon-G - Stephan, Paula-E - 
Título: Research Productivity over the Life Cycle: Evidence for Academic Scientists
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.81, n.1. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 114-32
Año: Mar. 1991
Resumen: The relationship between age and the publishing productivity of Ph.D. scientists is analyzed using data from the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (National Research Council) and the Science Citation Index. The longitudinal nature of the data allows for the identification of pure aging effects. In five of the six areas studied, life-cycle aging effects are present. Only in particle physics, where scientists often speak of being on a "religious quest," is the indication that scientific productivity is not investment-motivated. Vintage effects are also considered. The expectation that the latest educated are the most productive is not generally supported by the data.
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