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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 11 registros

Registro 1 de 11
Autor: Meginnis, K. - Hanley, N. - Mujumbusi, L. - Pickering, L. - Lamberton, P.H.L.
Título: Using choice modelling to identify popular and affordable alternative interventions for schistosomiasis in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 578-600
Año: dec. 2022
Resumen: Schistosomiasis is caused by a vector-borne parasite, commonly found in low-and middle-income countries. People become infected by direct contact with contaminated water through activities such as collecting water, bathing and fishing. Water becomes contaminated when human waste is not adequately contained. We administered a discrete choice experiment to understand community preferences for interventions that would reduce individuals’ risk of contracting, or transmitting, Schistosoma mansoni. These focused on water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions. We compared interventions that target behaviours that mainly put oneself at higher risk versus behaviours that mainly put others at risk. We used two payment vehicles to quantify what individuals are willing to give up in time and/or labour for interventions to be implemented. Key findings indicate that new sources of potable water and fines on open defecation are the highest valued interventions.
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Registro 2 de 11
Autor: Mutebi Kikulwe, Enoch - Falck-Zepeda, José - Wesseler, Justus - 
Título: ’If labels for GM food were present, would consumers trust them?’ Insights from a consumer survey in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.19, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 786-805
Año: Dec. 2014
Resumen: Food labelling is costly. Food labelling is often demanded with the introduction of new food products such as genetically modified (GM) food. If consumers do not have trust in the label, scarce resources are wasted. This paper investigates factors affecting the trust in food labels among Ugandan consumers. The results suggest that older, less-educated individuals of smaller household sizes and with trust in government institutions have more trust in food labels. Other factors were also found to be important. The government has to consider those differences in consumer trust when designing a GM labelling policy.
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Registro 3 de 11
Autor: Ainembabazi, John Herbert - Shively, Gerald - Angelsen, Arild - 
Título: Charcoal production and household welfare in Uganda: a quantile regression approach
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.18, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 537-558
Año: Oct. 2013
Resumen: Previous research suggests that forest-dependent households tend to be poorer than other groups, and that extreme reliance on forest resources might constitute a poverty trap. We provide an example in which a non-timber forest product - charcoal - appears to be providing a pathway out of poverty for some rural households in Uganda. Data come from households living adjacent to natural forests, some of whom engage in charcoal production. We use a semi-parametric method to identify the determinants of participation in charcoal production and a quantile regression decomposition to measure the heterogeneous effect of participation on household income. We find that younger households and those with few productive assets are more likely to engage in charcoal production. We also show that, as a result of their participation, charcoal producers are better off than non-charcoal producers in terms of income, even though they are worse off in terms of productive assets.
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Registro 4 de 11
Autor: Nakano, Yuko - Otsuka, Keijiro - 
Título: Determinants of household contributions to collective irrigation management: The case of the Doho Rice Scheme in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.16, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 527-552
Año: Oct. 2011
Resumen: In order to explore the conditions for successful communal irrigation management, this study investigates the determinants of household contributions to the cleaning of irrigation channels and the availability of water. By using household-level data collected in a large-scale gravity irrigation scheme in Uganda, whose management was transferred from the government to the community, we find that household contributions to the cleaning of irrigation channels are determined by the scarcity of irrigation water, the opportunity cost of labor and the private benefit associated with plot size. We also find that the availability of irrigation water increases in the tertiary irrigation canal where the coefficient of variation of plot size is large, which may indicate that farmers of larger plots are particularly active in water management. These findings suggest that farmers are responsive to private benefits and, hence, the support of the government for communities to implement punishment may be effective for successful irrigation management.
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Registro 5 de 11
Autor: Makara, Sabiti - Rakner, Lise - Sv_sand, Lars
Título: Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Reintroduction of a Multiparty System in Uganda
Fuente: International Political Science Review. v.30, n.2. International Political Science Association
Páginas: pp. 185-204
Año: Mar. 2009
Resumen: This article addresses the process behind the decision of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) to reintroduce multiparty politics in Uganda. Restrictions on party activity were introduced when the NRM assumed power in 1986 and were upheld in a referendum in 2000. In March 2003 the NRM u-turned on the issue and agreed a return to multiparty politics in Uganda. The article seeks to explain why the NRM leadership sanctioned a transition to multiparty politics and, secondly, how the NRM leadership sought to remain in control of the transition process. We find that the reintroduction of a multiparty system in Uganda primarily was stimulated by internal conflicts between factions within the NRM and much less by international (donor) pressure. We show that the decision to move to multiparty politics was made contingent on other constitutional changes which enabled the executive and the central political leadership to remain in power.
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