MegaCatálogo Bibliográfico
Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 9 registros

Registro 1 de 9
Autor: Menéndez, Eduardo - 
Título: Las instituciones y sus críticos o la costumbre de polarizar la realidad: el caso de la influenza A (H1N1)
Fuente: Salud Colectiva. v.10, n.1. Universidad Nacional de Lanús
Páginas: pp. 15-40
Año: ene.-abr. 2014
Resumen: Declarada a fines de abril de 2009 la epidemia de influenza A (H1N1) en México, se realizaron toda una serie de críticas y en menor grado de apoyos respecto de las medidas aplicadas y de la forma de operar del sector salud mexicano. En este texto trato de explicitar, a través de materiales publicados en revistas médicas y en la prensa mexicana, cuáles son los presupuestos técnicos e ideológicos con que trabajó el sector salud y cuáles son los manejados por los críticos. Esto se realiza con dos objetivos complementarios: primero, tratar de entender por qué actuó como actuó el sector salud mexicano y, segundo, para observar la legitimidad técnica de las acciones que desarrolló dicho sector y de las críticas que se hicieron a dichas acciones.
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Registro 2 de 9
Autor: Ávila Vázquez, Medardo
Título: Globalización e identidades médicas en los ensayos clínicos
Fuente: Salud Colectiva. v.3, n.3. Salud Colectiva Centro de Estudios para la Salud; Universidad Nacional de Lanús
Páginas: pp. 235-245
Año: sept.-dic. 2007
Resumen: Se estudia el modo en que se manifiesta la relación entre los investigadores clínicos y los pacientes incorporados a protocolos; cuáles son las percepciones que tienen los médicos en la "relación médico-paciente" transfigurada en "relación investigador-objeto de ensayo"; para ello se analizan dos casos de amplia difusión pública. El primero está referido a ensayos destinado a disminuir la transmisión perinatal del virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (HIV) en países en desarrollo. En estos se estableció un doble standard de tratamiento para las poblaciones de embarazadas africanas y latinoamericanas reconociéndolas como "diferentes". Se marcó un límite étnico, para utilizarlas como grupo control. El segundo caso se refiere al análisis del proceso de ensayos clínicos comerciales llevados a cabo en el Hospital Municipal Infantil de Córdoba, éstos se sustentaron ideológicamente en las identidades y valores neoliberales que promueve la globalización, rompiendo de esta manera con identidades generadas históricamente.
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Registro 3 de 9
Autor: Moyo, Sibusiso - Norton, George W. - Alwang, Jeffrey - Rhinehart, Ingrid - Deom, C. Michael
Título: Peanut Research and Poverty Reduction: Impacts of Variety Improvement to Control Peanut Viruses in Uganda
Fuente: American Journal of Agricultural Economics. v.89, n.2. American Agricultural Economics Association
Páginas: pp. 448-460
Año: 2007
Resumen: A procedure is developed and applied for predicting ex ante impacts of agricultural research on aggregate poverty, using as an example the poverty-reducing impact of peanut research in Uganda. Market-level information on economic surplus changes is combined with a procedure for allocating income changes to individual households. Characteristics of farmers that affect their likelihood of technology adoption are used to create a technology adoption profile. Associated changes in poverty resulting from adoption are computed using poverty indices. Predicted income changes at the household level are aggregated to the market level and reconciled with calculations of economic surplus changes.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA A + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 9
Autor: Huang, Yangxin - Liu, Dacheng - Wu, Hulin
Título: Hierarchical Bayesian methods for estimation of parameters in a longitudinal HIV dynamic system
Fuente: Biometrics. v.62, n.2. International Biometric Society
Páginas: pp. 413-423
Año: jun. 2006
Resumen: HIV dynamics studies have significantly contributed to the understanding of HIV infection and antiviral treatment strategies. But most studies are limited to short-term viral dynamics due to the difficulty of establishing a relationship of antiviral response with multiple treatment factors such as drug exposure and drug susceptibility during long-term treatment. In this article, a mechanism-based dynamic model is proposed for characterizing long-term viral dynamics with antiretroviral therapy, described by a set of nonlinear differential equations without closed-form solutions. In this model we directly incorporate drug concentration, adherence, and drug susceptibility into a function of treatment efficacy, defined as an inhibition rate of virus replication. We investigate a Bayesian approach under the framework of hierarchical Bayesian (mixed-effects) models for estimating unknown dynamic parameters. In particular, interest focuses on estimating individual dynamic parameters. The proposed methods not only help to alleviate the difficulty in parameter identifiability, but also flexibly deal with sparse and unbalanced longitudinal data from individual subjects. For illustration purposes, we present one simulation example to implement the proposed approach and apply the methodology to a data set from an AIDS clinical trial. The basic concept of the longitudinal HIV dynamic systems and the proposed methodologies are generally applicable to any other biomedical dynamic systems.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA B + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 9
Autor: Gilbert, Peter B. - Rossini, A.J. - Shankarappa, Raj
Título: Two-sample tests for comparing intra-individual genetic sequence diversity between populations
Fuente: Biometrics. v.61, n.1. International Biometric Society
Páginas: pp. 106-117
Año: mar. 2005
Resumen: Consider a study of two groups of individuals infected with a population of a genetically related heterogeneous mixture of viruses, and multiple viral sequences are sampled from each person. Based on estimates of genetic distances between pairs of aligned viral sequences within individuals, we develop four new tests to compare intra-individual genetic sequence diversity between the two groups. This problem is complicated by two levels of dependency in the data structure: (i) Within an individual, any pairwise distances that share a common sequence are positively correlated: and (ii) for any two pairings of individuals which share a person, the two differences in intra-individual distances between the paired individuals are positively correlated. The first proposed test is based on the difference in mean intra-individual pairwise distances pooled over all individuals in each group, standardized by a variance estimate that corrects for the correlation structure using U-statistic theory. The second procedure is a nonparametric rank-based analog of the first test, and the third test contrasts the set of subject-specific average intra-individual pairwise distances between the groups. These tests are very easy to use and solve correlation problem (i). The fourth procedure is based on a linear combination of all possible U-statistics calculated on independent, identically distributed sequence subdatasets, over the two levels (i) and (ii) of dependencies in the data, and is more complicated than the other tests but can be more powerful. Although the proposed methods are empirical and do not fully utilize knowledge from population genetics, the tests reflect biology through the evolutionary models used to derive the pairwise sequence distances. The new tests are evaluated theoretically and in a simulation study, and are applied to a dataset of 200 HIV sequences sampled from 21 children.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA B + datos de Fuente

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