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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Safieddine, Assem - Wilhelm, William-J, Jr - 
Título: An Empirical Investigation of Short-Selling Activity Prior to Seasoned Equity Offerings
Fuente: Journal of Finance. v.51, n.2. American Finance Association
Páginas: pp. 729-49
Año: June 1996
Resumen: The authors investigate the nature and magnitude of short-selling activity around seasoned equity offerings, the relation between short-selling activity and issue discounts, and the consequences of the Securities and Exchange Commission adoption of Rule 10b-21 in response to concerns about manipulative short-selling practices. Seasoned offerings are characterized by abnormally high levels of short selling and option open interest. Higher levels of such activity are related to lower expected proceeds from the issuance of new shares. Where it could not be circumvented, Rule 10b-21 appears to have curbed short-selling activity and reduced issue discounts.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Hanley, Kathleen-Weiss - Wilhelm, William-J, Jr - 
Título: Evidence on the Strategic Allocation of Initial Public Offerings
Fuente: Journal of Financial Economics. v.37, n.2. Elsevier Science
Páginas: pp. 239-57
Año: Feb. 1995
Resumen: The evidence reported in this paper suggests that institutional investors capture a large fraction of the short-run profits associated with initial public offerings. The favored status enjoyed by institutional investors in underpriced offerings appears, however, to carry a quid pro quo expectation that they will participate in less-attractive issues as well. This finding conforms with the Benveniste and Spindt (1989) and Benveniste and Wilhelm (1990) prediction that U.S. underwriters behave strategically in the allocation of initial public offerings.
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