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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Wood, Peter - 
Título: El crecimiento de los servicios a empresas : implicaciones para estudios de reestructuración económica y desarrollo regional
Fuente: Economía Industrial, n.313. España. Ministerio de Industria y Energía
Páginas: pp. 45-57
Año: 1997
Resumen: El trabajo revisa las cambiantes interpretaciones sobre la importancia del crecimiento de los servicios en las sociedades industriales durante los últimos treinta años. Después, enfoca su análisis a la creciente demanda de servicios de conocimientos intensivos, especialmente en el Reino Unido, por parte de las empresas y a la posibilidad de que esos servicios sean intercambiados. Tales actividades son ahora uno de los principales elementos de desigualdad regional en el cambio económico. Se propone un marco estratégico y organizativo para estudiar tales tendencias.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Bryson, John-R - Keeble, David - Wood, Peter - 
Título: The Creation and Growth of Small Business Service Firms in Post-industrial Britain
Fuente: Small Business Economics. v.9, n.4. Kluwer Academic Publishers
Páginas: pp. 345-60
Año: Aug. 1997
Resumen: Since 1980, the United Kingdom has experienced a dramatic growth in firms and employment in information-intensive business services, such as management consultancy and market research. This article reports the results of the first substantial nation-wide investigation into the nature and causes of small professional business service firm growth in Britain, undertaken in 1991. It reveals marked differences in the characteristics, markets and competitive requirements of such firms, compared with small manufacturing firms. The demand for their services comes predominantly from large companies, and is more focused on financial and other services and government. But small firms are also making increasing use of business services. Specialised expertise, reputation and educational and professional qualifications are essential prerequisites for the establishment of new business service firms. Their success is also being enhanced by increasing use of informal networking, collaborative partnerships, and subcontracting.
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