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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 4 registros

Registro 1 de 4
Autor: Parente, Stephen L. - Rogerson, Richard - Wright, Randall - 
Título: Homework in development economics : household production and the wealth of nations
Fuente: Journal of Political Economy. v.108, n.4. The University of Chicago Press
Páginas: pp. 680-727
Año: Aug. 2000
Resumen: We introduce home production into the neoclassical growth model and examine its consequences for development economics. In particular, we study the extent to which one can account for international income differences with differences in policies that distort capital accumulation. In models with home production, such policies not only reduce capital accumulation but also change the mix of market and nonmarket activity. Hence these models can generate larger differences in output than standard models for a given policy differential. We also show how the welfare implications change when we incorporate home production
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Registro 2 de 4
Autor: Williamson, Steve - Wright, Randall - 
Título: Barter and Monetary Exchange under Private Information
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.84, n.1. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 104-23
Año: Mar. 1994
Resumen: The authors develop a model of production and exchange with uncertainty concerning the quality of commodities and study the role of fiat money in ameliorating frictions caused by private information. The model is specified so that, without private information, only high-quality commodities are produced and there is no welfare gain from using money. With private information, there can be equilibria (and sometimes multiple equilibria) where low-quality commodities are produced and money can increase welfare. Money works by promoting useful production and exchange. In efficient monetary equilibria, agents adopt strategies that increase the probability of acquiring high-quality output.
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Registro 3 de 4
Autor: Kiyotaki, Nobuhiro - Wright, Randall - 
Título: A Search-Theoretic Approach to Monetary Economics
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.83, n.1. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 63-77
Año: Mar. 1993
Resumen: The essential function of money is its role as a medium of exchange. The authors formalize this idea using a search-theoretic equilibrium model of the exchange process that captures the "double coincidence of wants problem" with pure barter. One advantage of the framework described here is that it is very tractable. The authors also show that the model can be used to addre ss some substantive issues in monetary economics, including the potenti al welfare-enhancing role of money, the interaction between specializat ion and monetary exchange, and the possibility of equilibria with multip le fiat currencies.
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Registro 4 de 4
Autor: Smith, Eric - Wright, Randall - 
Título: Why Is Automobile Insurance in Philadelphia So Damn Expensive?
Fuente: American Economic Review. v.82, n.4. American Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 756-72
Año: Sept. 1992
Resumen: The authors document and attempt to explain the observation that automobile insurance premiums vary dramatically across cities. The authors argue that high premiums can be attributed, at least in part, to large numbers of uninsured motorists in some markets, while uninsured motorists can be attributed to high premiums. The authors construct a simple noncooperative equilibrium model that can generate inefficient equilibria with uninsured drivers and high, yet actuarially fair, premiums. For certain parameterizations, an efficient full-insurance equilibrium and inefficient high-price equilibria with uninsured drivers exist simultaneously, helping to explain price variability across otherwise similar cities. Policy implications are discussed.
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