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Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Blanco, María Rita - Golik, Mariela Natacha
Título: Born under a lucky star? : Latin American CEOs’ perceptions about their own career development
Fuente: Palermo Business Review : Revista de Management de la Universidad de Palermo, n.11. Universidad del Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Páginas: pp. 115-129
Año: nov. 2014
Resumen: The article explores Latin American Chief Executive Officers’ (CEOs’) perceptions about the influence of career self-management practices and chance events of their career pathways. Through an edited topical life story approach, we investigate the relationship between those variables throughout CEO’s career trajectories in the Latin American context. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with 22 CEOs working for multinational companies were conducted. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed with the aid of QSR NVivo 7 software. The study showed that even in volatile macroeconomic environments, typical of Latin American countries, CEOs do plan their careers. Career planning constitutes the backbone of the career management process. To deal with low predictability chance events, CEOs relied on active development network as the main career self-management practice. However, choice of mobility was the key career self-management behavior when responding to high predictability chance events. These central strategies were frequently combined with other career self-management practices, taking into consideration the type of chance event being responded to. According to this study, if individuals want to develop their careers in unstable environments, they will need to be proficient in career self-management practices, with particular emphasis on network development and choice of job mobility, as well as in happenstance skills.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Maldonado, Pablo A.
Título: Las bases del posicionamiento internacional: un camino a la solidez
Fuente: Palermo Business Review : Revista de Management de la Universidad de Palermo, n.10. Universidad del Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Páginas: pp. 53-72
Año: nov. 2013
Resumen: En el estudio del desarrollo de los países, pueden considerarse varias cuestiones que tienen que ver con una mixtura de factores o elementos que confluyen: decisiones políticas fuertes frente a situaciones de vulnerabilidad o inestabilidad sucedidas en el pasado, deseo de incorporarse como potencia regional o mundial o proyecciones de liderar la economía en nichos específicos. El presente trabajo estará enfocado en abrir el juego a los elementos que hacen que un país pueda desarrollarse en base a tres pilares: Comercio Inter-temporal, desarrollo productivo y gobernanza política y se ambicionará con nutrir conceptualmente la explicación hacia a una mejor posición de los países en desarrollo.
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