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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 223 registros

Registro 1 de 223
Autor: Bharadwaj, Bishal - Baland, Jean Marie - Nepal, Mani - 
Título: What makes a ban on plastic bags effective? The case of Nepal
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 95-114
Año: apr. 2020
Resumen: The extensive use of plastic bags in Nepal has led to growing concern in recent years. We investigate the impact of a municipal plastic bags ban on bags use behavior, based on a field survey carried out among consumers and retailers across selected municipalities. Our results indicate that the effectiveness of the ban critically depends on its enforcement and sanctioning system. In particular, our results suggest that the perceived sanction is a critical determinant of plastic bags use, as a doubling of the perceived sanction could reduce plastic bags use by two-thirds for retailers and by one-half for consumers. While the nominal amount of the fine does not seem to play a role, the probability of being detected appears to play a key role in the perceived sanction. This implies that effective monitoring of the ban by the municipal authorities is critical for the success of the policy.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 223
Autor: Sariego López, Ignacio - 
Título: Los retos del turismo cultural en la ciudad de Santander para convertirse en un destino seguro pos-COVID-19
Fuente: Estudios Turísticos, n.219. España. Instituto de Estudios Turísticos
Páginas: pp. 59-70
Año: 2020
Resumen: Tras la pandemia del COVID-19, la actividad turística se ha encontrado con un punto de inflexión en su desarrollo. En la siguiente investigación, basada en un estudio de la demanda realizado en 2018 con una muestra representativa de 2.203 casos, se presenta, en dicho período, un estado del turismo cultural en la ciudad de Santander, y se propone un posible escenario futuro con relación al turismo en esta ciudad a medida que se vaya recuperando la actividad económica. Los resultados muestran que la ciudad de Santander es, eminentemente, un destino nacional, fiel y seguro, y que la positiva valoración dada por los turistas en sus anteriores experiencias propicia una etapa pos-COVID-19 relativamente favorable y con gran capacidad de resiliencia turística. Favorecer la digitalización, la sostenibilidad y, sobre todo, la seguridad, serán tres elementos clave para recuperar la confianza de los principales mercados emisores y para reforzar los vínculos con el turista.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 223
Autor: Handberg, Øyvind Nystad
Título: No sense of ownership in weak participation: a forest conservation experiment in Tanzania
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 434-451
Año: aug. 2018
Resumen: Sense of ownership is often advocated as an argument for local participation within the epistemic development and nature conservation communities. Stakeholder participation in initiating, designing or implementing institutions is claimed to establish a sense of ownership among the stakeholders and subsequently improve the intended outcomes of the given institution. Theoretical and empirical justifications of the hypothesis remain scarce. A better understanding of the effects of local participation can motivate more extensive and stronger participation of local stakeholders and improve institutional performance. This paper applies theories from psychology and behavioral economics to sense of ownership. The empirical investigation is a framed field experiment in the context of tropical forest conservation and payments for environmental services in Tanzania. The results lend little support to the hypothesis in this context. The participation treatment in the experiment is weak, and a possible explanation is that sense of ownership is sensitive to the participation form.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 223
Autor: Kemal, Mohammad - Lange, Ian
Título: Changes in institutional design and extraction path
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 478-494
Año: aug. 2018
Resumen: The impact of oil governance on the extraction path of non-renewable resources is theoretically ambiguous. By employing field-level data in the South East Asia region, we utilize a change in the institutional design of oil governance in Indonesia to determine its impact on oil and gas extraction paths. From the empirical results, we infer that the move to create a separate regulatory agency and make the national oil company a purely business entity led to a reduction in the extraction path of oil, the size of which varies for different sizes of resource stock. This finding reiterates the importance of strengthening ownership rights for non-renewable resources to avoid over-extraction and facilitate more sustainable economic outcomes.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 223
Autor: Yin, Ning - Huang, Qiuqiong - Wang, Yumeng
Título: Impacts of off-farm employment on groundwater irrigation in North China
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 161-183
Año: apr. 2018
Resumen: This study examines the relationship between groundwater irrigation and off-farm employment with a set of household level data collected in North China. The results provide evidence that off-farm employment reduces both time spent on irrigation in terms of total hours of irrigation and the amount of groundwater pumped. However, these effects have not resulted in losses of crop production. In fact, water productivity measured as output value produced per m3 of groundwater pumped is higher among households with off-farm employment. These seemingly contradictory findings are explained by the increased use of water-saving technologies such as furrow irrigation, underground pipes and/or lined canals. These technologies reduce seepage losses during the conveyance of groundwater as well as during irrigation of the fields. As a result, less groundwater needs to be pumped to achieve the same level of groundwater irrigation application rate in the field.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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