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» Resultado: 1032 registros

Registro 1 de 1032
Autor: Bharadwaj, Bishal - Baland, Jean Marie - Nepal, Mani - 
Título: What makes a ban on plastic bags effective? The case of Nepal
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 95-114
Año: apr. 2020
Resumen: The extensive use of plastic bags in Nepal has led to growing concern in recent years. We investigate the impact of a municipal plastic bags ban on bags use behavior, based on a field survey carried out among consumers and retailers across selected municipalities. Our results indicate that the effectiveness of the ban critically depends on its enforcement and sanctioning system. In particular, our results suggest that the perceived sanction is a critical determinant of plastic bags use, as a doubling of the perceived sanction could reduce plastic bags use by two-thirds for retailers and by one-half for consumers. While the nominal amount of the fine does not seem to play a role, the probability of being detected appears to play a key role in the perceived sanction. This implies that effective monitoring of the ban by the municipal authorities is critical for the success of the policy.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 1032
Autor: An, Yao - Zhang, Lin - Adom, Philip Kofi
Título: Economics of wastewater management in China’s industry
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 457-478
Año: oct. 2019
Resumen: This article provides an economic investigation into the underlying causes of industrial wastewater emissions. We examine the direct and the structural break-induced effect of national environmental regulation on industrial wastewater emissions. The results show that strict environmental regulation can partially offset the energy-induced effects imposed by the scale effects of foreign direct inflows and cause positive behavioral responses by either limiting coal usage or improving upon coal usage technology and shift towards clean energy sources. We find the absence of scale economies in the provision of environmental services in the industrial sector due to the poor nature of the technical processes of industries. We further highlight the importance of raising the investment in environmental treatment and embracing trade liberalization in the improvement of industrial wastewater management.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 1032
Autor: Briano Turrent, Guadalupe del Carmen
Título: La diversidad de género en el sector público y su influencia en el gasto público y buen gobierno. Evidencia en Latinoamérica
Fuente: Reforma y Democracia : Revista del CLAD, n.74. Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo, CLAD
Páginas: pp. 63-94
Año: jun. 2019
Resumen: La diversidad de género y su impacto en las decisiones y desempeño del sector público ha sido objeto de gran atención por parte de la academia y la legislación internacional. Si bien la representación de las mujeres en posiciones de liderazgo en el sector público ha incrementado, su incidencia en indicadores de desempeño económico y social en el ámbito público ha sido escasamente abordado en la literatura internacional, mientras que en Latinoamérica no existen estudios comparativos que evidencien su contribución al desarrollo económico e institucional. Basado en las teorías de agencia y de la masa crítica, el objetivo del trabajo es analizar la influencia que tiene la diversidad de género en los Parlamentos Nacionales y Alcaldías sobre las decisiones de gasto público y los indicadores de buen gobierno, incluida la corrupción. La muestra de estudio está integrada por 18 países y 378 observaciones durante el periodo 1997-2017. Se observa que la participación de mujeres en los Parlamentos Nacionales muestra un notable incremento en Latinoamérica, aunque no ha alcanzado la paridad 50-50. Los resultados econométricos evidencian que las mujeres en los Parlamentos Nacionales favorecen los índices de buen gobierno particularmente en las dimensiones de estabilidad política y no violencia, efectividad del gobierno, calidad regulatoria, Estado de Derecho y control de la corrupción, mientras que las alcaldesas electas favorecen la calidad regulatoria y el Estado de Derecho. Del mismo modo, las mujeres alcaldesas motivan a un mayor gasto no social en asuntos económicos, mientras que incrementan el gasto social en protección al medio ambiente, actividades recreativas, cultura y religión y en protección social. En el ámbito económico, las mujeres alcaldesas incrementan los ingresos tributarios y tienden a disminuir la deuda pública total. Este artículo concluye que las mujeres que ocupan posiciones de liderazgo en el sector público están orientadas hacia lo social y el fortalecimiento de las instituciones, dado que tienden a adoptar una orientación ética y se preocupan por las necesidades de los diversos grupos de interés.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA R + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 1032
Autor: Farah, Naima - Boyce, John R.
Título: Elephants and mammoths: the effect of an imperfect legal substitute on illegal activity
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 225-251
Año: jun. 2019
Resumen: In response to the CITES ban on trade in elephant ivory, mammoth ivory began to be produced in post-Soviet Russia. We investigate how this substitute to elephant ivory has affected the poaching of elephants. We argue that the early success of the 1989 ivory ban at increasing the African elephant population was driven in part by increasing supply of mammoth ivory. The more recent increases in poaching appear to be driven by increasing demand and falling African institutional quality. We find that absent the 80 tonnes of Russian mammoth ivory exports per annum 2010-2012, elephant ivory prices would have doubled from their $ 100 per kilogram level and that the current poaching level of 34,000 elephants per year may have increased by as many as 55,000 elephants per year on a population of roughly half a million animals.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 1032
Autor: Assunção, Juliano - Rocha, Romero
Título: Getting greener by going black: the effect of blacklisting municipalities on Amazon deforestation
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 115-137
Año: abr. 2019
Resumen: In 2008, the Brazilian government blacklisted municipalities in the Amazon to better target efforts to repress deforestation. Not only were law enforcement and monitoring activities intensified, but also economic sanctions and political pressures were imposed on those municipalities. We use a differences-in differences approach to compare deforestation reduction in blacklisted municipalities and non-blacklisted municipalities. We find that: (i) the blacklisting has significantly reduced deforestation; and (ii) this effect was primarily driven by the monitoring and law enforcement channel - there is no effect on agricultural production or credit concessions.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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