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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 41 registros

Registro 1 de 41
Autor: Dassanayake, Wijaya - Mohapatra, Sandeep - Luckert, Martin K. - Adamowicz, Wiktor
Título: Households’ responses to climate change: contingent behavior evidence from rural South Africa
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.23, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 37-62
Año: feb. 2018
Resumen: We investigate households’ decisions regarding livelihood activities in response to future climate change in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. We use the contingent behavior method and account for unobserved heterogeneity in order to overcome problems associated with limited data, collinearity and endogeneity. We characterize the climate change with two types of climate change scenarios: dry-spells and wet-spells. Results show that moderate and extreme increases in dry-spells increase adoption of off-farm activities such as casual labor and small business, and decrease adoption of on-farm activities such as gardening. We find opposite cases for mild or moderate wet-spells. Our results also show that households tend to diversify their livelihood portfolios in response to a moderate increase in dry-spells and a mild increase in wet-spells. Some household characteristics are also important in influencing some types of activities, including household’s health status, gender of the household head, and household’s prior experience.
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Registro 2 de 41
Autor: Taraz, Vis
Título: Adaptation to climate change: historical evidence from the Indian monsoon
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.22, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 517-545
Año: oct. 2017
Resumen: Estimating the potential impacts of climate change requires understanding the ability of agents to adapt to changes in their climate. This paper uses panel data from India spanning from 1956 to 1999 to investigate the ability of farmers to adapt. To identify adaptation, the author exploits persistent, multidecadal monsoon regimes during which droughts or floods are more common. These regimes generate medium-run variation in average rainfall, and there is spatial variation in the timing of the regimes. Using a fixed-effects strategy, she tests whether farmers have adapted to the medium-run rainfall variation induced by the monsoon regimes. The author finds evidence that farmers adjust their irrigation investments and their crop portfolios in response to the medium-run rainfall variation. However, adaptation only recovers a small fraction of the profits farmers have lost due to adverse climate variation.
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Registro 3 de 41
Autor: Pertierra Cánepa, Francisco - 
Título: Fideicomiso: vehículo óptimo para que las PyMEs y los inversores participen en el moderno mercado de capitales
Fuente: Documentos de Trabajo UCEMA, n.584. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: 26 p.
Año: mar. 2016
Resumen: Más de 15 años de experiencia en el uso del fideicomiso en el Mercado de Capitales nos confirman la activa participación de los inversores institucionales. Este trabajo demuestra que además, el fideicomiso es el vehículo óptimo para captar fondos provenientes de ahorristas particulares y conducirlos a cubrir las necesidades de capital de las Pymes, especialmente en las economías regionales, por la valoración positiva del público como instrumento ágil, seguro, idóneo y eficaz, en el marco de un gran mercado federal. Así el fideicomiso, se puede convertir en la palanca transformadora que les permita a los inversores particulares y a las empresas medianas y pequeñas, introducirse en inversiones institucionales a través de los fideicomisos financieros y luego, adquirida cierta experiencia y cultura financiera, considerar nuevas modalidades con este y otros instrumentos de renta fija y de renta variable. El nuevo impacto diferencial podrá observarse rápidamente en las Pymes y los pequeños y medianos productores de las economías regionales, porque les permitirá lograr un salto competitivo obteniendo la escala adecuada para desarrollar negocios y lograr la integración, accediendo a nuevas inversiones e incorporando tecnología, a través de acciones asociativas flexibles y focalizadas. Esto redundará en un mayor volumen de operaciones logrando un mercado de mayor profundidad, que permita desarrollar el Mercado Secundario por la mayor confianza y, acompañados por asesores idóneos y calificados, los inversores irán incorporando nuevos instrumentos para sus portfolios. En síntesis, su aplicación estratégica lo convierte en puente ideal para generar el ansiado desarrollo de un Mercado de Capitales sustentable, generando negocios inclusivos basados en relaciones de mutua confianza entre todos los segmentos socioeconómicos de nuestro país.
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Registro 4 de 41
Autor: Ugalde Binda, Nadia - 
Título: Las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera: historia, impacto y nuevos retos de la IASB
Fuente: Ciencias Económicas. v.32, n.1. Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias Económicas
Páginas: pp. 205-216
Año: ene.-jun. 2014
Resumen: The internationalization of business transactions, business expansion through mergers and acquisitions, and the interest of covering more diversified investment portfolios, require agencies to draft uniform accounting standards across countries to allow comparability of financial information for these new "multinational companies" (Zeff, 2012). Thus, in 1973 arises the IASC, based in London as a first attempt to establish international basic standards called International Accounting Standards. This article is a historical overview of the institutions involved in the formulation of these rules, the implications that its implementation has had on the financial statements, how some countries have made adjustments to them and what are the main challenges that the IASB should face in the future.
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Registro 5 de 41
Autor: González, A. - Rubio, G.
Título: Portfolio choice and the effects of liquidity
Fuente: SERIEs. Journal of the Spanish Economic Association. v.2, n.1. Spanish Economic Association
Páginas: pp. 53-74
Año: 2011
Resumen: This paper discusses how to introduce liquidity into the well known mean-variance framework of portfolio selection using a representative sample of Spanish equity portfolios. Either by estimating mean-variance liquidity constrained frontiers or directly estimating optimal portfolios for alternative levels of risk aversion and preference for liquidity, we obtain strong effects of liquidity on optimal portfolio selection. In particular, portfolio performance, measured by the Sharpe ratio relative to the tangency portfolio, varies significantly with liquidity. When the investor shows no preference for liquidity, the performance of optimal portfolios is relatively more favorable. However, it is also the case that, under no preference for liquidity, these portfolios display lower levels of liquidity. Finally, we also study how the aggregate level of illiquidity affects optimal portfolio selection.
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