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» Resultado: 2 registros

Registro 1 de 2
Autor: Krishna, Vijesh V. - Darras, Kevin - Grass, Ingo - Mulyani, Yeni A. - Prawiradilaga, Dewi M. - Tscharntke, Teja - Qaim, Matin - 
Título: Wildlife trade and consumer preference for species rarity: an examination of caged-bird markets in Sumatra
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.24, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 339-360
Año: aug. 2019
Resumen: This study examines conservation effects of wildlife trade using demand and supply data from caged-bird markets in Sumatra, Indonesia. When consumers have a strong preference for species rarity, trade could result in wildlife overexploitation and species extinction. Results from a choice experiment show that buyers of caged birds indeed value species rarity. However, not all rare species are equally preferred. Species that are frequently traded lose their rarity value, even if rare in the wild. Analysis of time-series data collected from traders over a period of 20 months between 2013 and 2015 reveals an inelastic supply function for rare species, with market arrivals being insensitive to price changes. This may be due to a declining stock of rare species in the wild. Bird trade together with habitat loss can lead to extinction of a number of rare species in Indonesia. Several policy approaches on regulating caged-bird markets are discussed.
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Registro 2 de 2
Autor: Kouser, Shahzad - Qaim, Matin - 
Título: Bt cotton, damage control and optimal levels of pesticide use in Pakistan
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.19, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 704-723
Año: Dec. 2014
Resumen: We use farm survey data and a damage control framework to analyze impacts of Bt cotton on yields and pesticide use in Pakistan. We also derive optimal levels of pesticide use with and without Bt, taking into account health and environmental externalities. This has not been done previously in the literature. Conventional cotton growers suffer from significant insect crop damage; they underuse pesticides from a profit-maximizing perspective. Yet, the picture is reversed when externalities are also considered. The social optimum of pesticide use is much lower than the private optimum, and both optima are lower with Bt than without this technology. Bt controls pest damage more effectively. Hence, yields on Bt farms are about 20 per cent higher in spite of lower pesticide use. Large pest damage is a typical phenomenon in developing countries. In such situations, Bt can contribute to productivity growth, while reducing pesticide applications and associated negative externalities.
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