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Centro de Documentación. FCEyS. UNMdP

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» Resultado: 22 registros

Registro 1 de 22
Autor: Marx Quintanar, Sarah
Título: Man vs. machine: an investigation of speeding ticket disparities based on gender and race
Fuente: Journal of Applied Economics. v.20, n.1. Universidad del CEMA
Páginas: pp. 1-28
Año: May 2017
Resumen: This paper analyzes the extent to which police behavior in giving speeding tickets differs from the ticketing pattern of automated cameras, which provide an estimate of the population of speeders. The novel data are obtained from Lafayette, Louisiana court records, and provide specific details about the ticketed driver as well as a wide range of violation characteristics. In contrast to the automated cameras, the probability of a ticketed driver being female is consistently and significantly higher when the ticket was given by a police officer. For African-American drivers this effect is less robust, though in general still positive and significant. This implies that police use gender and race as a determining factor in issuing a speeding ticket. Potential behavioral reasons for this outcome are discussed. The validity of using automated cameras as a population measure for police-issued tickets is thoroughly investigated and supportive evidence is provided.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA J + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 22
Autor: Ugarte, Manuel
Título: Pasión latinoamericana: obras elegidas. El porvenir de la América Latina. La patria grande. La reconstrucción de hispanoamérica
Ciudad y Editorial: Remedios de Escalada : EdUNLa Cooperativa
ISBN: 978-987-1987-62-7
Páginas: 439 p.
Año: 2015
Resumen: Con presentación de Ana Jaramillo y prologado por Norberto Galasso, la UNLa reedita tres de las obras de Manuel Ugarte: El porvenir de la América Latina; La Patria Grande; y La reconstrucción de Hispanoamérica. El gran escritor y ensayista nacido en 1875 fue un defensor apasionado del proyecto de Unidad latinoamericana imaginado por Bolívar y San Martín, y un manifiesto enemigo del imperialismo, tanto como de imposiciones ideológicas. Defendió todas las causas populares latinoamericanas y militó por un socialismo de carácter nacional, posición que le valió la exclusión de su obra y su figura reivindicadas, en parte, a través de este libro.
Contenido: * Presentación, Ana Jaramillo
* Prólogo, Norberto Galasso
* Prefacio
* La raza
* El descubrimiento
* Los indios
* Los españoles
* Los mestizos
* Los negros
* Los mulatos
* La variante portuguesa
* Los criollos
* Los extranjeros inmigrantes
* La raza del porvenir
* La integridad territorial y moral
* Las dos américas
* La América Latina
* La América anglosajona
* El peligro
* La amenaza europea
* La conquista comercial
* La defensa latinoamericana
* Un factor nuevo: el Japón
* Congresos panamericanos y congresos latinoamericanos
* La patria única
* La organización interior
* La democracia latinoamericana
* Costumbres políticas
* La educación
* La noción del bien público
* La justicia
* La religión
* Las reformas sociales
* La familia
* El arte
* El porvenir
* Explicación del título
* Carta abierta al presidente de los Estados Unidos
* El Congreso Panamericano de Buenos Aires
* ¿Tenemos una diplomacia?
* La democracia y la patria
* Comentarios
* La doctrina de Monroe
* La Rábida
* Chile, Perú y Bolivia
* Política colonial
* La mediación en México
* La verdad sobre México
* Pequeña política
* Rectificaciones
* España y los Estados Unidos
* El Brasil y la América Latina
* Sobre una ley de naturalización de extranjeros
* La guerra y el patriotismo
* Frente a un ideal
* La guerra, el socialismo y las naciones débiles
* Un conflicto obrero en Sudamérica
* Enmiendas a una ley electoral
* América en Europa
* La geografía ideológica después de la guerra
* Cuestiones económicas
* El petróleo
* La producción agrícola y ganadera. Temas argentinos. Programa
* La bandera y el himno
* Industrias nacionales
* Un boicot inadmisible
* Una huelga
* El pueblo y la violencia
* Reclamación patriótica
* último momento
* Una CUESTIÓN CON Bolivia
* Colombia y Panamá
* Buenos Aires
* 25 de mayo 1810
* Advertencia
* prólogo
* Civilizaciones, métodos, resultados
* Esencia del imperialismo
* El material humano
* Los fundamentos vitales
* Política interior
* Actitud de Manuel Ugarte ante los acontecimientos de 1945.
Solicitar por: SOCIALES 70281
Registro 3 de 22
Autor: Raj, Razaq
Título: Contemporary Cultural Issues and Policies for the Region
Fuente: Palermo Business Review : Revista de Management de la Universidad de Palermo, n.6. Universidad del Palermo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
Páginas: pp. 213-220
Año: mayo 2012
Notas: Bilingual Special Issue (English / Spanish) Tourism in the XXIth Century: approaches, limitations and Challenge for the new millenium
Resumen: Culture is important tool for the tourism development in any region to benefit with visitors to area. The cultural experiences can enhance tourism and attract tourist to local area. Tourists are attracted to the area for local products, heritage and local community experience as a motivational factor to local region. The term ’culture’ has been debated intensely over the last two decades and no clear definition of the concept has yet been accepted by the community as a whole. Culture, in modern day terms, is largely seen as a product of governments, large organisations and individuals who are aiming to develop their own standing in the given market (Raj et al, 2009). Culture is closely linked to our national identity and the importance that individual people place on local and national social organisations, such as local governments, education institutions, religious communities, work and leisure. This paper therefore offers discussion points on the Contemporary Cultural Issues and Policies for the Region and the role of cultural tourism in the creation of opportunities and strategies for the region. It will also contest how local communities benefit from the cross-cultural festivals and increase the tourism in to the area.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA P + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 22
Autor: Robinson, Elizabeth J.Z. - Lokina, Razack B. - 
Título: Efficiency, enforcement and revenue tradeoffs in participatory forest management: an example from Tanzania
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.17, n.1. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 1-20
Año: Feb. 2012
Resumen: Where joint forest management has been introduced into Tanzania, ’volunteer’ patrollers take responsibility for enforcing restrictions over the harvesting of forest resources, often receiving as an incentive a share of the collected fine revenue. Using an optimal enforcement model, we explore how that share, and whether villagers have alternative sources of forest products, determines the effort patrollers put into enforcement and whether they choose to take a bribe rather than honestly reporting the illegal collection of forest resources. Without funds for paying and monitoring patrollers, policy makers face tradeoffs over illegal extraction, forest protection and revenue generation through fine collection.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 22
Autor: Eggert, H_kan - Lokina, Razack B. - 
Título: Regulatory compliance in Lake Victoria fisheries
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.15, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp 197-217
Año: Apr. 2010
Resumen: This paper analyzes the causes for regulatory compliance, using traditional deterrence variables and potential moral and social variables. We use self-reported data from 459 Tanzanian artisanal fishers in Lake Victoria. The results indicate that the decision to be either a non-violator or a violator, as well as the violation rate - if the latter - are influenced by changes in deterrence variables like the probability of detection and punishment and also by legitimacy and social variables. We also identify a small group of fishers who react neither to normative aspects nor to traditional deterrence variables but persistently violate the regulation.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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