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» Resultado: 322 registros

Registro 1 de 322
Autor: Liu, Z. - Huang, H. - 
Título: Valuing water purification services of forests: a production function approach using panel data from China’s Sichuan province
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 491-510
Año: dec. 2022
Resumen: The water purification functions of forests represent one of the most frequently invoked examples of nonmarket ecosystem services that are economically valuable. This study quantifies the monetary value of forests’ water purification services in the form of the ensuing cost savings of municipal drinking water treatment, using a rich panel dataset from China’s Sichuan province. Moreover, this study has undertaken a novel spatial piecewise approach to investigate the spatial patterns of such cost savings delivered by forests at different distances from the water intake point. The estimation results find that forests within a 2 km radius upstream from the water intake point have the most sizeable and statistically significant cost saving effect. For forests within a 3 km radius, this effect becomes somewhat smaller but remains statistically significant. Beyond a 4 km radius, this effect becomes notably smaller and statistically equal to zero. Our analysis facilitates the optimal spatial targeting of forest conservation.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 322
Autor: Meginnis, K. - Hanley, N. - Mujumbusi, L. - Pickering, L. - Lamberton, P.H.L.
Título: Using choice modelling to identify popular and affordable alternative interventions for schistosomiasis in Uganda
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.6. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 578-600
Año: dec. 2022
Resumen: Schistosomiasis is caused by a vector-borne parasite, commonly found in low-and middle-income countries. People become infected by direct contact with contaminated water through activities such as collecting water, bathing and fishing. Water becomes contaminated when human waste is not adequately contained. We administered a discrete choice experiment to understand community preferences for interventions that would reduce individuals’ risk of contracting, or transmitting, Schistosoma mansoni. These focused on water access, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions. We compared interventions that target behaviours that mainly put oneself at higher risk versus behaviours that mainly put others at risk. We used two payment vehicles to quantify what individuals are willing to give up in time and/or labour for interventions to be implemented. Key findings indicate that new sources of potable water and fines on open defecation are the highest valued interventions.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 322
Autor: Afkhami, M. - Bassetti, T. - Ghoddusi, H. - Pavesi, F.
Título: Virtual water and the inequality in water content of consumption
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 470-490
Año: oct. 2022
Resumen: We present evidence that international trade may exacerbate the initial unequal distribution of hydric resources. This result is driven by the fact that countries exporting agricultural goods are relatively abundant (with respect to capital) in the combined availability of water and arable land but, in absolute terms, scarce in capital and not richer in water in comparison to more developed ones. Due to both the scarcity of capital and the lower relative price of natural resources with respect to capital, the total value of production in these developing countries is modest, implying that international trade can lead to a less even distribution of the water content of consumption. Policies sustaining water prices and, more generally, those of natural resources (or lower capital costs) may contribute to offsetting this effect and allow for trade to play a positive role in reducing the uneven distribution of water endowments.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 4 de 322
Autor: Zunino Singh, Dhan, coord. - Gruschetsky, Valeria, coord. - Piglia, Melina, coord.
Título: Pensar las infraestructuras en Latinoamérica
Ciudad y Editorial: Buenos Aires : Teseo
ISBN: 978-987-88-0392-0
Páginas: 305 p.
Año: 2021
Notas: Texto completo disponible en Nülan
Resumen: Puentes, caminos, túneles, canales, puertos, represas, redes de agua o de cloacas, de gas y telefónicas, las infraestructuras transforman el territorio, movilizan fuerzas sociales y políticas y recursos materiales, encarnan ideas y valores, son producto y productoras de lo social. En el marco de los giros materiales y culturales que atravesaron a las ciencias sociales en los últimos años, su estudio ha adquirido un renovado interés. En lo que respecta a la historia de las infraestructuras en América Latina, existe tanto una literatura previa como nuevos abordajes, que se reúnen por primera vez en un volumen en español, donde se ponen en perspectiva casos locales de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Panamá y Brasil, desde disciplinas y perspectivas diversas, como la historia, la sociología, el urbanismo, aplicadas a una variedad de infraestructuras, desde sistemas de transporte e hídricos hasta espacios urbanos.
Contenido: * 1. Tren, logística y ciudad: el Ferrocarril de Circunvalación en Santiago de Chile (1890-1994), Marcelo Mardones Peñaloza
* 2. La heterogeneidad de la infraestructura ferroviaria latinoamericana y sus prácticas de mantenimiento, Maximiliano Augusto Velázquez
* 3. Formaciones engendro: mantenimiento diferido y movilidad precaria en los ferrocarriles del AMBA, Stephanie McCallum
* 4. ¿Cómo viajan las infraestructuras? El caso de los sistemas de metros latinoamericanos, Dhan Zunino Singh
* 5. El "Estado en acción" en las relaciones centro-periferia: el caso de una carretera colombiana ca. 1930, Alexis de Greiff A.
* 6. La carretera de Darién, el Estado panameño y los pastos sin historia (1971-1977), Rosa Elena Ficek
* 7. Infraestructura vial y territorio. El caso del Acceso Norte (1920-1960), Valeria Gruschetsky
* 8. Del desierto al vergel. Los diques de la Dirección General de Irrigación del MOP (Argentina, 1900-1930), Anahi Ballent
* 9. El ocaso de la represa hidroeléctrica: infraestructura, ambiente y paisaje en la agenda problemática del siglo XXI, Fernando Williams
* 10. Agua e infraestructura en el Gran Buenos Aires. Entre experiencias descentralizadas y formas autogestivas de prestación, Melina Tobías
* 11. Beneficios y desafíos en la implementación de infraestructura azul y verde: una propuesta para la RMBA, Daniel Kozak, Hayley Henderson, Demián Rotbart y Rodolfo Aradas
* 12. Infraestructuras temporales o las precarias formas de construir ciudad en América Latina, Paola Jirón y Walter Imilán
* 13. Renovación técnica, infraestructura aeroportuaria y conectividad aérea en el marco del "desarrollismo autoritario" (Argentina, 1966-1970), Melina Piglia
* 14. Experiencia del pasajero en terminales de aeropuertos: un estudio sobre la satisfacción del pasajero en los principales aeropuertos brasileños, Felipe Mujica y Vinícius Rocha Bíscaro
Solicitar por: ECON 30358
Registro 5 de 322
Autor: Vásquez, William F. - Beaudin, Laura
Título: A hedonic valuation of sanitation services in Guatemala
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.4. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 378-398
Año: aug. 2020
Resumen: Many developing countries lack universal sanitation services for residents. Years of inappropriate disposal of solid waste and wastewater have increased the potential for devastating environmental and health issues. An economic valuation of sanitation services may help in planning investment projects by demonstrating the benefits that households derive from having access to improved sanitation. We examine Guatemala as a case study and employ a series of hedonic models to estimate the value that households in Guatemala assign to the sanitation services of solid waste collection and connections to sewer infrastructure. Findings indicate that residents are willing to pay higher rents for both wastewater and solid waste removal. Policy implications are discussed.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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