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» Resultado: 825 registros

Registro 1 de 825
Autor: Scognamillo, A. - Sitko, N. - Bandara, S. - Munaweera, T. - Kwon, J.
Título: The challenge of making climate adaptation profitable for farmers: evidence from Sri Lanka’s rice sector
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 451-469
Año: oct. 2022
Resumen: Adapting agricultural systems to changes in seasonal precipitation is critical for the agricultural sector in Sri Lanka. This paper presents evidence on the adoption drivers and the welfare impacts of agricultural strategies adopted by Sri Lankan rice farmers to adapt to low rainfall conditions. We estimate the causal impact of adopting different adaptive strategies across three different dimensions: (a) sensitivity to water stress, (b) household productivity, and (c) household livelihood conditions. The results highlight important trade-offs faced by farmers between reducing vulnerability to water stress and maximizing profitability and welfare outcomes. These findings are important for informing policies to support climate adaptation among smallholders, and to build and improve the climate resilience of Sri Lanka’s rice sector.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 2 de 825
Autor: Wolfersberger, J. - Amacher, G. S. - Delacote, P. - Dragicevic, A.
Título: The dynamics of deforestation and reforestation in a developing economy
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.27, n.3. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 272-293
Año: jun. 2022
Resumen: We develop a model of optimal land allocation in a developing economy that features three possible land uses: agriculture, primary and secondary forests. The distinction between those forest types reflects their different contributions in terms of public goods. In our model, reforestation is costly because it undermines land title security. Using the forest transition concept, we study long-term land-use change and explain important features of cumulative deforestation across countries. Our results shed light on the speed at which net deforestation ends, on the effect of tenure costs in this process, and on composition in steady state. We also present a policy analysis that emphasizes the critical role of institutional reforms addressing the costs of both deforestation and tenure in order to promote a transition. We find that focusing only on net forest losses can be misleading since late transitions may yield, upon given conditions, a higher level of environmental benefits.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 3 de 825
Autor: Castillo Nechar, Marcelino -  Bergeret Muñoz, Roger Joseph
Título: Apuntes sobre el pensar y conocer en el turismo: una aproximación a su episteme y logos
Ciudad y Editorial: México : Torres Asociados
ISBN: 978-607-8702-54-1
Páginas: 214 p.
Año: 2021
Resumen: ¿Qué es el conocimiento?... Esta ha sido la pregunta más enigmática y complicada que ha marcado el pensamiento humano. El problema del conocimiento se ha abordado desde la época griega, tratando de responder aspectos relativos a la verdad, a su certeza, a los universales, al absoluto, entre otros. El conocimiento en la actualidad sigue siendo uno de los principales cuestionamientos que abruman al hombre. Especialmente, preguntarse qué conocimiento es válido o verdadero, exacto y riguroso, suele ser complicado, particularmente si se trata de justificarlo como conocimiento científico y, justamente, en esta situación se encuentra el turismo. Por ello, aludir al conocimiento gestado en torno al turismo es adentrarse en un mar de posibilidades para su significado y su entendimiento y, es ahí, donde el pensar y conocer acerca de él abre una gama extensa de respuestas y posibilidades. Por ello, este libro busca aportar en el reto que se tiene en este campo de estudio: la criticidad del turismo. Es decir, con los problemas epistemológicos de la ciencia del turismo que, aún hoy, resultan subestimados o desconocidos, no solo por los estudiantes y estudiosos del turismo, sino por sus propios académicos e investigadores que los consideran subordinados a las grandes disciplinas y a sus metodologías, limitando al turismo a un simple campo de validación de los conocimientos producidos.
Contenido: * Introducción
* capítulo 1. Investigación y conocimiento del turismo
* capítulo 2. La importancia de la teoría y metodología en la construcción del conocimiento del turismo
* capítulo 3. Papel de la filosofía y la epistemología en la construcción del conocimiento científico
* capítulo 4. Importancia de una postura crítica en el problema del conocimiento en turismo
* Reflexiones finales
* Referencias
* Acerca de los autores
Solicitar por: TURISMO E-2
Registro 4 de 825
Autor: Fontes, Francisco - Gorst, Ashley - Palmer, Charles - 
Título: Does choice of drought index influence estimates of drought-induced rice losses in India?
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.5. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 459-481
Año: oct. 2020
Resumen: Drought events have critical impacts on agricultural production yet there is little consensus on how these should be measured and defined, with implications for drought research and policy. We develop a flexible rainfall-temperature drought index that captures all dry events and we classify these as Type 1 (above-average cooling degree days) and Type 2 droughts (below-average cooling degree days). Applied to a panel dataset of Indian districts over 1966-2009, Type 2 droughts are found to have negative marginal impacts comparable to those of Type 1 droughts. Irrigation more effectively reduces Type 2 drought-induced yield losses than Type 1 yield losses. Over time, Type 1 drought losses have declined while Type 2 losses have risen. Estimates of average yield losses due to Type 1 droughts are reduced by up to 27 per cent when Type 2 droughts are omitted. The associated ex-post economic costs in terms of rice production are underestimated by up to 124 per cent.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente
Registro 5 de 825
Autor: Bharadwaj, Bishal - Baland, Jean Marie - Nepal, Mani - 
Título: What makes a ban on plastic bags effective? The case of Nepal
Fuente: Environment and Development Economics. v.25, n.2. Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics; Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Páginas: pp. 95-114
Año: apr. 2020
Resumen: The extensive use of plastic bags in Nepal has led to growing concern in recent years. We investigate the impact of a municipal plastic bags ban on bags use behavior, based on a field survey carried out among consumers and retailers across selected municipalities. Our results indicate that the effectiveness of the ban critically depends on its enforcement and sanctioning system. In particular, our results suggest that the perceived sanction is a critical determinant of plastic bags use, as a doubling of the perceived sanction could reduce plastic bags use by two-thirds for retailers and by one-half for consumers. While the nominal amount of the fine does not seem to play a role, the probability of being detected appears to play a key role in the perceived sanction. This implies that effective monitoring of the ban by the municipal authorities is critical for the success of the policy.
Solicitar por: HEMEROTECA E + datos de Fuente

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